How to Grow Your $1,000 Investment into Long-Term Financial Success

If you have just $1,000 sitting in your bank account right now or perhaps the next time you get paid you'll have it. I want you to understand that it is entirely in your control to take that $1,000 and turn that into sustainable financial growth per year and beyond. In this article I'm going to show you how to do that by breaking down the entire process of what you need to be doing right now to finally get the ball rolling.

I will not just throw generic advice at you and tell you to go open up a business and start investing. There is nothing wrong with it and in fact, it's a really good advice but if you actually want to start earning a significant amount of income and I'm talking about career advancing income, then you have to be more practical and strategic in your approach.

Before we actually get indept with this article i want to first mention two very critical things that you have to understand if you want to get the most out of this article. Because you have to change your frame work from your mind before you can actually start seeing physical results manifesting. The first thing that you have to understand that if you want to achieve financial stability per year, most of you will not get there by working at your current work.

The Bureau Of Labor Statistics states that of the nations 120.2 million full time wage and salary worker's median weekly income is $1,070 which comes over a little bit over $52,000 per year which is a far cry from sustainable financial growth. So the first thing that you have to understand is that current job isn't going to cut it if you actually want to increase your income.

The next thing you have to understand is that increasing your income to six figures and beyond is going to require work. I can't stand this message going around saying that you can make a lot of money and become financially free and not having to put in the work. If your desire is to see drastic change happen in your life you have to meet that desire with drastic actions. I'm not saying that you have to be the hardest working person in the world, but if you are and that's just who you are as a person, that's great.

But most of us are not actually inclined to work harder but you have to put in more work than you usually do and it will be very uncomfortable at the beginning and that's just the nature of it. So now that you have a better teamwork in your mind, i want you transition and talk to you about the most practical side of turning a $1,000 into sustainable financial growth per year and beyond. The first step is

Believe that it's possible

The first step is to simply believe that this is possible. Back in 2017, i had no money, no skill set, no connections but i still believed that i will be able to earn a much higher income despite my lack of experience and resources. I believed that it was possible to still be successful and actually, one of the first things that i did to start making money was to build a website on wordpress using a page builder plugin called elementor.

By the first year, i made close to $80,000. Keep in mind that i had zero experience previously. And by the following year i made close to $90,000 and i am fully convinced that if you are building a website today, you would be making over six figures a year just like i do now. And for the record, if you want to know how much it cost me to actually start building website it didn't cost me $1,000, it cost me only $15.

I paid $15 for my first month on upwork to the freelancer plus membership which would allow me submit more proposals to clients and get more jobs. As each month passed by i made more and more money, the job got bigger, i was paid more and the rest was history. In terms of how i actually learned how to build websites, there is this amazing platform called

If you go to this website or platform and type in 'how to build websites using elementor' and spend about a week learning all the basics, you can start making money really fast. Another example is youtube. When you're getting started, you only need as low as $800 to buy a used sony camera on ebay as well as camera lens and a microphone.

Personally, i spent a little bit over $1,000 to actually start my youtube channel and i always believed that it was possible to make a full time career on youtube. You have to consistently make videos for the next 8 months and put in thousands of hours of work without getting any profit. And i know a friend of mine who is looking forward to make $600,000 by the end of this year and potentially even more.

Now i need you to pay attention here, i am not saying or letting you know this as a flex. I am saying this because i want you to understand that i got to where i am today because i simply believed that it was possible. And that belief is what fueled the hard work and dedication. I can hear people out there saying that 'oh okay Kingsley, that's really cute but we all know that it's going to take a lot more than just believing to do this'.

Okay i get it, this message isn't going to be for everybody. I am talking to the people who desperately want to better themselves and increase their income so that they can provide for their family, build wealth and not have to worry about this like how they are going to pay for their next energy bill next month. The next is

How To Go From $1,000 to sustainable financial growth

The next step is to actually decide how you want to go from $1,000 to sustainable financial growth per year in income consistently. Honestly, this is the hardest part because there are so many different ways that you can make money and it almost becomes overwhelming. So the goal here is to really break down exactly what is going to work for you specifically because i can sit at my home all day and say blogging is without a doubt the best way to increase income to over sustainable financial growth per year.

That might work for some people but for a lot of people, blogging is not the way. Perhaps you have zero desire to sit in front of a computer and write blog posts all day. Maybe you want to do something outside like starting a lucrative dog walking business or anything else because there are people making well over six figures per year doing these things.

Or maybe you'd say walking dogs and detailing cars is too much work and you want something that will be outside and more passive. That's cool because you can start a passive dumpster rental business or a passive pressure washing business where you outsource all the work and then make money on the difference.

I've got this chart on my computer that breaks down the best side hustles and business ideas that anybody can start based on your specific personality and your preference. And i really believe that if i were to break this chart down for you, it would help you to know the best business or side hustle to start that will work for you.

If you guys want me to write an article about it drop a comment down below and just say 'yes, i would love an article about that' and if enough people comment then I'm going to write an article as quickly as possible and i truly believe that it is going to help a lot of you guys. By far, the single most important thing about achieving sustainable financial growth is

Understand Value.

Value is without a doubt the single most important part of earning over sustainable financial growth per year. You see, value is measured by importance. The more important something is perceived to be, the more valuable it is. This is why the Mona Lisa painting is valued at over $850,000,000 because it has a lot of perceived importance and therefore it's very important.

For you, you'll have to do something, create some type of service that a lot of people perceive as being important and therefore valuable. For me as an example, when i started building websites i developed a skill set that not a lot of people have but a lot of people need. And because of that people saw it as being valuable and will want to pay for.

Think of it this way,imagine there are levels to this and on the first level there is someone who although is healthy and able to work just sits at home everyday and watch Netflix, he doesn't work and doesn't contribute to whatsoever to society. This person is getting paid $0 because they are providing zero value.

The next level is someone who works some type of entry level job. Something that doesn't require much skills and physically most people can do the job. Think of things like cashiers and shelf stockers. These jobs are everywhere, they are very easy to get and are not perceived as being highly valuable. And therefore, the amount of money that you make won't be a lot.

As you work your way to higher levels, the levels of perceived important increases and the incomes increases as well. Level 4 are professionals like doctors,lawyers and more. These jobs are very important and are very valuable and as a result, the amount of income that you can earn from these professions can be much higher.

So if you can start a business or a side hustle or do something that is going to become a lot of value, then this thing is going to become easier for you to earn sustainable financial growth per year.

Do Something Scalable

One more thing that i think you should be focusing on which is the scalability of the thing that you're doing. Now, there plenty of careers that after years of college and even more years of trying to climb the corporate ladder and get you sustainable financial growth per year. The problem with this is that your income will always be capped.

You can only make as much money as the HR department of your company wants you to make. It doesn't matter how hard you work, your hard work will never translate into a higher salary. And the second problem is that working a salary job for another company is not scalable. The only reason that my friend with a YouTube channel is about to make $600,000 this year is because he's doing something that is scalable.

When something is scalable it means you can but in the same amount of work and even though your putting in much effort, your work stays flat but your income will continue to increase. So you're not having to put in an extra work but your income increases even though your efforts does not increase.

It is 100% possible to turn $1,000 into sustainable financial growth per year and beyond. Why am i so confident about that? Well it's because that's literally exactly what i did and I'm no different than you. It takes believing and you figuring out what business that you want to start. Will this require work? Yes but when you doubt yourself and ask yourself questions if you're doing the right thing, I'll say yes.

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  • BoostGrades
    BoostGrades 5 April 2023 at 00:34

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  • Mr. Lulzian
    Mr. Lulzian 22 April 2023 at 05:33

    Make $5,000 daily without doing nothing. Start with $500- $1,000. Text 408-459-9254 or MrLulzian on telegram.

  • Fastraker
    Fastraker 2 March 2024 at 22:50

    Hey!!! Kingsley keep it up, your blog it fine. Where are your YouTube channels? Thumbs up

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