How Students Can Make $10,000/Month Using This Technique

Ladies and gentlemen, absolutely everyone wants to know how to earn ten thousand dollars a month as a student. The only issue is there's a lot of false information out there, a lot of misinformation, and a lot of people making it seem a lot easier than it actually is.

So in today's article, I'm going to break down the three main components you need to focus on in order to make ten thousand dollars a month as a student.

Now, the first thing you need in order to hit ten thousand dollars a month as a student is the right vehicle. Let me tell you what I mean. You need an opportunity that is big enough but not too risky, something where you can actually achieve ten thousand dollars a month as a student.

I will say that ten thousand dollars a month (and I'm really not trying to be insensitive here), I understand that I was a fringe case. I hit ten thousand dollars a month when I was 17 years old, but I'm going to talk about that a little later on in this article and how I actually got to that place. I had ten thousand dollars a month when I was 17 years old, and by the end of that year, before I turned 18, I was hitting 30 to 40,000 a month. So, I'm speaking from experience.

You need a vehicle, a way that you can make that sort of money, but a way in which you're not going to risk losing all of the money that you do have. So the first thing that I will tell you is trading is out the window.

There's a lot of Traders out there trying to sell you false information because when you register with their little partner link, and you get your ten dollars complimentary, blah blah blah, when you lose money, that's actually where they make money. They don't make money on the little ten dollars or twenty-dollar registration that they get when you join. They make money when you lose. They're literally incentivized for you to lose.

And listen, that's just the honest truth of it. Even if you have a thousand dollars, for you to take a thousand dollars and turn that into ten or twenty thousand dollars in a single year is actually very difficult. The amount of successful trades, the average of all those successful trades is very, very difficult. Whereas for you to take a thousand dollars and invest that into starting a very lean online business, I mean by the end of the year, you're talking tens of thousands of dollars.

I don't think realistically you're gonna hit hundreds of thousands of dollars in your first year. It happens sometimes, but it's very unrealistic. But definitely by the end of the year, you should be making more than your average salary if you were just working a traditional nine-to-five. And the best part is you should be able to do it remotely.

So in order to make money, you need something that spits out available funds. What I mean by that is earnings that you can actually use. Here's the other thing. People always look at net worth. They go, "Oh, he has 100 million dollars net worth," but his entire net worth is in his company, and he can't take out money out of his company because he may have investors or this or that.

A lot of people in the property game have a lot of money, their portfolio is worth a lot, but they're not very cash-rich. They don't actually have a lot of cash laying around. They're wealthy, but their money is tied up in places. That's not the place you want to be when you're first starting a business.

So a lot of businesses like, for example, building a proper e-commerce brand, and by the way, when I say proper e-commerce brand, once again, I'm speaking from experience. I've had an eyewear company for a few years. The packaging is beautiful. We've got this beautiful black velvet finish on the inside. So this business is okay. It's my smallest business; it makes around 1.2 to 1.5 million dollars a year. And that sounds great until you realize that we have 50% margins.

So I'm only keeping 50% of that money. And it's even worse when you realize that any of my income that I make, I can't keep. I have to roll that into new stock because, especially a product like this, it's actually very difficult to make. So for me to put in an order now of another five thousand to ten thousand units, I may only get that in three, four, five months, depending on the time of the year. Even though someone would look at him, go, "That's a 1.5 million-dollar-a-year business at 50% margins," you never actually get to keep that income because you always have to reinvest in the business.

That is very different from, for example, a service-based business. If you're offering a service to clients, whether that be building their marketing funnels, doing their short-form content, creating many accounts for them, or doing their Google ads, it needs to have one of two things: high perceived value to the client, something they're willing to pay a good amount for, or high leverage.

That's you being able to take something off your plate, like hiring people below you who work as coaches or subcontracting parts of the service. So either you need to offer a service or guidance that brings value to businesses, or you need to have leverage.

The business models I'm talking about won't necessarily make you a hundred million dollars, but the other thing is you're not going to go broke. The unfortunate thing with many other businesses, like my main business, my software company, is it gets into the multiple nine figures, but you need to realize there's a big chunk of money needed to start the company.

And I had the massive competitive advantage of a massive audience. Even for me, it took four years to feel ready. I don't feel like I have the skill set, the understanding, and the influence to start a business worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

So what did I do? I started a service-based business back in 2016 and ran that business for six years. Remember that the business that gets you to 10K a month may not necessarily get you to a hundred million dollars, but that's okay. Baby steps. Choose the right vehicle for the career stage you're at.

The next component to making ten thousand dollars a month is stretching out the timeline. You need to understand that once you get there, you're not done. Making ten thousand dollars a month is just the beginning. Your financial identity is not what you're aiming for; it's where anything below that feels off. It's about cementing your place and working your way up the ranks.

I hope this has been useful to you, and as always, I'm watching you from afar and rooting for you.
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