Earn $55/Hour From Home Woth These 10 Work From Home Jobs

This is how you can make $55 per hour from 10 different work-from-home jobs. And I've spent the last two weeks researching the best and most profitable online jobs, and I've done most of these myself, or I'm currently doing them, so I know exactly how much you can expect to make from it. And I've averaged out the amount of money that someone can make doing these online jobs, and it comes to about $55 per hour. 

Each of these jobs is 100% online, so you can do it from the comfort of your home. And this is coming from someone who started as a broke teenager nine years ago, trying to just make a few hundred bucks a month, and now traveling around the world and making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month. 

Not only am I going to share with you seven of these work-from-home jobs, but I'm going to reveal exactly how much you can make from each of them and what you can expect in terms of how hard it actually is. 

Now, I just want to mention that I have not been paid by any of the companies that I will mention in this article , and this is just solely from my own research and my own experience delving into all of these different online businesses and testing out different things, because I've tried so many different online jobs myself. 

Faceless YouTube Video Editor
So without further ado, job number one is faceless video editor. Now, if you've been around YouTube scene at all, especially in the last few years, you've probably heard about this whole faceless YouTube automation thing. It's blown up, and that's for a reason. 

People are making a really serious amount of money doing that. I personally make over $100,000 a month posting faceless YouTube videos on different channels, but here's the thing. All of these channels need editors, and they're always on the lookout for talented editors that can actually deliver on their promise. 

So let me break it down for you. The concept is actually very simple, and it's probably been in front of your nose this whole time. So here's the simple question. Have you ever watched a YouTube video where the creator is not recording their face, and they're really not in front of the camera? 

Think of top 10 videos, commentary videos, tutorials, and explainer videos. Chances are, you've seen a ton of these YouTube channels and YouTube videos, but you probably didn't understand how much money these channels are making and how they're actually doing it. In fact, chances are pretty good that you watched one of my own YouTube channels or one of my 4,000 clients YouTube channels because we've been behind some of the biggest faceless YouTube channels out there. 

Faceless YouTube channels are exactly what the title suggests, channels where creators don't really show their face. Instead, these videos are often made up of stock footage, animations, voiceovers, and other visuals that don't require anyone to be in front of the camera. And this kind of content is in really high demand. 

The reason this is such a great opportunity is because all of these YouTube automation founders are always looking for someone to help them make better content because they're also going to get a big return on that investment. But I'm not talking about super basic editing here. I'm talking about someone who can take raw stock footage and visuals and make a compelling high quality video from it. 

So how do you actually get started? Well, first of all, you need to understand some basics of at least one of the video editing software. One of the easiest ones that is also completely free is CapCut. And if you're not already familiar with these, there are tons of tutorials out there that can get you up to speed quite quickly. 

And once you learn the skills, you can start building a portfolio. Even if you don't have any clients yet, you can build a portfolio of your edits just to showcase to potential clients what you can do. You can find stock footage online. You can create voiceovers with AI and then just put all of that together just so you can show what you can do with these videos. 

Then you can simply go to Upwork, Fiverr, or even some x (formerly Twitter) spaces to try and find clients for completely free. And also don't be afraid to reach out to YouTubers, especially those that are running faceless channels, because trust me, they are always on the lookout for more video editors. Some editors I know are pulling anywhere from $25 to $50 per hour, managing channels for people that have YouTube automation channels. 

And here's a little insider tip. Don't just edit the video for the sake of editing that video, but think about how you can potentially make it super engaging so that the viewers want to stay longer on the video, because that's going to help that YouTube channel grow. And as it grows, probably your pay will as well. 

User Testing 

Job number two, user testing. Now you've probably heard about doing surveys online to earn some extra money in your spare time. And unfortunately, most survey websites out there are not particularly legit. Even if they are, they only pay a couple of cents per survey that you complete. 

For example, Google Opinion Rewards, which is an app you can download on your phone. They are a legit survey website where you just get paid to answer some super simple questions. But again, they don't really pay a lot. That being said, there are some different kinds of surveys and tests that you can complete to make a lot more money. And those are usually coming from companies and businesses that want their websites and apps tested before they go live. 

So websites like user testing would pay you to basically screen or record a website that company gives and just sharing your honest feedback and opinion about that website. And you usually get paid about $10 for 10 minutes of that. So full hour would be approximately 60, sometimes $90 per hour to basically just give your honest feedback and your honest opinion about a website or app. 

Because they are looking for everyday people to just share what they think about it so that they can improve before they go live. 

Niche YouTube Ecosystem Manager 

Number three is Niche YouTube Ecosystem Manager. And this is a lot different than what you're probably thinking when you hear the word YouTube. Like this doesn't require you to show your face, be in front of the camera, or act stupid in vlogs. 

The only problem is that most people think that they can just download someone else's videos, put them onto YouTube, and make money by doing nothing. But unfortunately, that's not how it works. You see, I've been making money with faceless YouTube since 2015. And let me just show you some of the results that I was able to get so far. 

So with one channel, I'm only doing now about $100 a month as we stopped posting, but we did over $100,000 so far in total. With the second one, I did over $700,000 in total. And actively, we're doing about $700 per day and about $13,000 a month. With this one, I did about $19,000. With the third one, I'm doing about a hundred bucks a month. 

But the lifetime of this channel is, I believe, about $30,000-ish. Yeah, $39,000. We did about $3,000 this month. And the lifetime of it is $325,000 just from ad revenue. And that's why I made the most beginner-friendly program that shows you how to actually build your own faceless system that can go from zero to $10,000 per month in the shortest period of time possible. 

And not only that, but also equips you with the right tools and resources to actually achieve this. So you can just book a free call using the link in the comment down below if you want to learn more about that. It's basically the same program that Matthew used to go from a UPS driver to making $12,000 a month, or Joel, who's doing over $4,000 a day with his faceless YouTube channels, or Henry, who made over $1,000 from just one single video. 

That way you don't have to waste months or years of your life or even waste your life savings trying to make things work, all while missing out on money that could have otherwise been yours if you just knew what to do from the start. 

So right now, the most important thing to do is to just use the link from the comments down below to book that free call if the enrollments are still open and if that is still available. And bear in mind that we are literally rejecting 90% of applications and we only accept new clients twice per year. 

Content Writer 

Anyways, let's go to job number four. And that's going to be being a content writer. You see, any kind of business or online persona or company needs someone to write content for them. Like, think about it like this. Blogs need those blogs written for them. YouTube channels need scripts written for them. 

And how much you make doing this really depends on how much you charge for the service. Some writers charge more than others, but I recommend charging at least $20 per 1,000 words you write. If it takes you about an hour to write 1,000 words, well, that's going to be about $20 per hour, which isn't that bad. 

Eventually, as you build more and more reviews and more clients, you can start charging more and you can start charging anywhere from $50 to $100 per hour. A bonus tip for doing this is to get some help from AI tools like ChatGPT that is absolutely free, but I always recommend do not rely solely on AI tools. 

If you just copy and paste text from ChatGPT, people will not be happy, might get you in some trouble, and you will most likely not be paid. But you can just use it to get ideas or get your text proofread and just remove all the grammar errors when writing. 

Building A Community 

Number five, we have building a school community. School is this platform where you can build an online community in any niche.  We have  the top earner, which is this group made for women, has $133,000 in monthly reoccurring revenue. And they've added $5,000 in the last 24 hours. And this is all hosted online. So what I've done myself is I've built multiple communities. 

I have my online business friends community, which has about 26,000 members. Then we also have the online business club, which has 300 members paying $300 a month. And we have a high ticket community online business evolution. The community you build can literally be about anything that you are interested in. 

For example, a girl talks about filming and productivity. Another guy talks about how to get shredded like an anime character and has 5,000 members paying $23 a month. So that's $100,000 a month from this community. One woman teaches people how to play chess. And this is just about how to be more stylish. 

So it can literally be about anything. There's a bunch of different categories. Health and fitness, arts, music, photo, and video. And it's actually a very fun way to make money and make like-minded friends as well. 

Banana Bucks 

Job number six, we have Banana Bucks. As funny as it sounds, this is a survey website. It's pretty easy and simple to use. It's absolutely free. 

And they have 4.7 star ratings from thousands of users from around the world. Now, as I said, you do make money fast, but they don't pay a lot. You get paid about 20 cents per survey you complete, which usually takes a few minutes. So it's not ideal, but it is relatively simple and easy. And you can just install their free apps and you can make money from your phone, regardless of where you're from. 


Next up, we have making money with Preply. And this website allows you to become a tutor from home. And you can usually teach your language to kids and random people around the world. You can set your own rate. You can get paid usually between 15 and $25 per hour. Some teachers charge more. You can teach anytime and anywhere. 

You grow professionally. It's really fun. I used to do that myself when I was in high school. Not only was I teaching, but I was also learning as well. So I was paying for these classes. And I know many people that do this as well. So you just have to click on create a tutor profile and basically just sign up as a tutor here on the right-hand side. 

And ideally you would have a webcam. That's exactly what they would be asking you for. You need some kind of microphone. If you have a laptop and a built-in microphone, then you are good to go. If you do not have that, I recommend investing $20, $30 into a simple webcam that also has microphone built-in. So you can actually do this job. 


Next up, we have ClickWorker. If you go to google.com, you search for ClickWorker, you're going to find this website. And a really cool thing about this is that if you click on earn money, you can see that you can make money from anywhere, anytime. It's absolutely free. And they have a bunch of different jobs available for everyone that joined in. 

Now, the thing that I like about it is that these are very simple jobs. It's not like you have to be tied to it. It's usually, hey, can you like my photo on Instagram? I'm going to pay you 50 cents. Or hey, can you send this email? Can you help me write this email? Can you go and do this? Like it's all of these jobs are really random, but they're like simple micro jobs that anyone can do from anywhere in the world.

 And they're just called micro tasks. Cool thing is that you can also work without internet connections. So you can literally do it from the cabin in the woods, if you want to. Payments do vary quite a lot, depending on what kind of micro job you're doing. Some of them can pay $2 for a minute to work, but some of them can pay $50 for a few minutes of work. 


Job number nine is becoming a content writer for this website called listware.com. So they're posting these bizarre blog articles. And if you click on more and you click on write and get paid, you can see that you can get paid a hundred dollars for every single blog article that you submit. So you just need to submit a list.

And those lists have to be, first of all, uniquely written. And they have to be about top 10 bizarre or interesting things, something that aligns with their content on the website. So I highly recommend first spending at least 30 minutes reading through different lists on listwares. All of them are like top 10 different things. 

And just trying to understand what kind of article they are pushing at the top, so that you can then submit something that's similar or perhaps even better. And you have to make sure that your articles are at least one and a half to 2,000 words long. Otherwise, they're not going to be accepted. 

And then just click on, I agree to terms and conditions and click submit a list. 

Virtual Content Manager 

All right, so job number 10 is becoming virtual content manager. Now in today's day and age, we know that any business, regardless of whether it's a local coffee shop or some massive conglomerate, they need some kind of online presence. 

But here's the thing, not every business owner has time or skills to be on social media. And that's where you can come in as a virtual content manager. Your job would be to basically oversee and coordinate everything that is happening online regarding their presence, regarding that business.

This can include everything from posting on their social media to answering their emails or even writing blogs for them. And businesses are more than likely to spend quite decent amount of money for someone that actually can manage their online presence and help them grow and run everything smoothly online as well. 

I mean, at first, you'll need a good understanding of how these platforms work. You need to understand how Medium works for blog articles, how Buffer works for scheduling social media posts, how LinkedIn works for sharing different things. And if you're not familiar with any of these, there are a bunch of free resources that you can find online. Don't anyone fool you to buy a LinkedIn course or whatsoever.

You can learn that on YouTube for free. You can then find clients on websites like Upwork, Fiverr, or even just by going into Google and searching for different businesses, like search for a restaurant in Utah, and then try and find some of them. Try and find their contact details, reach out and explain how your services can help them. 

But again, as nice as all of that sounds, it doesn't even come close to running your own faceless YouTube automation channel. In my opinion, that's the best and easiest and fastest and safest way that someone can go from zero to over $10,000 a month. 

And it has been like that for the last 10 years or so. And the thing is, regardless of what kind of offer you sell or what kind of business you want to start, having a YouTube automation channel can always help because I only look at this ad revenue as a bonus that we get at the end of the month. But the majority of income for these faceless channels comes from us promoting different things in the description. 

We use these faceless channels as traffic sources. And then again, ad revenue is just a bonus that we get on top of that. So even if you want to sell a course, then faceless YouTube automation can help. Let me show you something. There is this channel called Alux, and they're posting these finance videos. It's a faceless YouTube channel. You can check it out for yourself. 

They're using stock footage, and they have 4.5 million subscribers. You never know who the creator of this channel is, but they have their own course. If you just go over to their website, which again, they're advertising in the description box of theirvideos. 

They also have paid promotions as well. So they're making money from brand deals, the links in their description. And if you go to their website, we can see that they're also selling courses. They're promoting their own app. They're promoting different things that are doing outside of YouTube. 

So it's always just a great traffic source, regardless of what kind of business you want to do. And then on top of that, it can be great for earning ad revenue as well. And I mean, over 4,000 clients whom they help can confirm exactly that. 

Either way, I hope you'll learn something new from this tutorial guide. 
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