Learn About Earning Potential Through Google Search Strategies

Have you ever thought about earning significant income by searching on Google? Without needing prior skills, experience, or upfront investment? Nothing? Well, this is exactly what the Teu affiliate program allows you to do. If you've never heard about Teu, it's kind of like Amazon but it's a China-based website. Basically, they sell very cheap items, and this site is everywhere now.

The reason I say you can make this amount of money with the Teu affiliate program is because, on their own website, there is potential to earn substantial monthly income. They give you a $5 bonus when you download the app and up to 20% commissions on every single sale that you make. Anyone around the world can join, so it doesn't really matter which country you're from. All you have to do is join the program, share the products, and earn money. It's as simple as that, and you can start making money even today.

They also have the Teu influencer program, but I don't think all of you will categorize as influencers. If you make content for social media, you can join the influencer program and you could earn significant cash rewards every two months. They give you $500 monthly for participating and potential to earn high monthly commissions. 

You also receive a $300 balance to buy whatever you want on their website as soon as you register as a Teu influencer. If you make content for social media and want to become an influencer for Teu and promote their products to make some money, you can do that too. You have both options.

Today, we're going to be talking about the affiliate program because I know most of you don't create content for social media.

The first thing I want you to do is open Google Docs on your computer. We're going to need Google Docs to save some information we'll use throughout this article. I actually want you to open two Google Documents. Open one, then click again and open the second one. You'll see why you need this in just a second.

On the Teu affiliate program page, I want you to register as an affiliate. You don't need anything specific, just your email or phone number and a password. Click "Register" on the top right corner, then "Sign in or Register." Enter your email, set up a password, and continue. Once registered, they'll ask you to verify your email. Go to your email address, click on the link they send you, and you should be activated to sell on Teu.

On their platform, you'll see that you can earn by promoting their products. On the right, you'll find referral benefits like a $100 coupon bundle, $30 off (actually 30% off), free gifts, exclusive deals, and 20% commissions. They also give you a $5 bonus for downloading their app, I believe. There's also the referral race every time you refer someone, you get commissioned.

You can pick specific items to promote, just like in the Amazon affiliate program. Let's choose an item. Search for "weight loss," and I chose a sauna suit for women(for the sake of this article). It makes you sweat and burn calories faster. I'll promote this product because women spend a lot of money, and it’s a good example for this article. 

On the product page, click "Share," and Teu will give you ad text and images. Your commission on this product is $2.90 the last time a checked. Save this in your first Google Doc. Now, go back to the Teu platform.

Now, for this next step, I want you to open ChatGPT and follow me as we open this formula right here.

if you're following along, you should have access to this structure. We're going to use it with ChatGPT to create an article that we can use to generate traffic to our team affiliate offer. I'll show you exactly how you're going to convince people to buy this offer from you.

Okay, so what I want you to do is open the article, and copy the first step right here. We're going to fill in some blanks using ChatGPT. Just copy and paste it in ChatGPT. That's all you have to do. Your target audience and the specific niche that we're going to be selling in is the health and fitness niche, and the target audience is women who want to lose weight. Now, once you fill out the blanks, hit enter and let ChatGPT do its thing.

While it's doing this, go ahead and copy part two. I want you to do exactly the same thing: copy part two from the article and title formula. This will get ChatGPT to create 10 titles for our article that are highly clickable and make people want to read the article, which is what we want. So, go ahead and paste it and click where it says "selected topic." I want you to go back to your product, copy the name of the product, and paste it in ChatGPT. Hit enter, and ChatGPT will create 10 titles. 

Go ahead and copy part three of this article introduction formula. Go back to ChatGPT, paste it in, and hit enter. Here, you don't have to copy and paste anything. Let's go ahead and copy the outline formula. This is going to be the bulk of your article right now, so just copy it and paste it in ChatGPT. Where it says "selected title," I want you to scroll up and choose one of the 10 titles that ChatGPT created for us. I'll choose the first one. Copy it and paste it where it says "selected title" right here. Then, hit enter.

Next, I want you to go back to your structure, copy step five, and paste it into ChatGPT. Don't hit enter yet. First, copy the entire outline of your article that ChatGPT just created, paste it in, and hit enter. This will allow ChatGPT to create the entire article for you. Give it a little time to finish.

Let's go back and copy step six. Paste step six into ChatGPT to get ready. Copy your article title once more and paste it where it says "article title." For "product to include," type in the name of the product and paste it here. For "product details," go to your product page, copy the description of the product, and paste it where it says "product details." And wait for ChatGPT to finish generating the article so we can give it the next command.

Once ChatGPT has generated everything for us, I'm going to give you another pro tip not included in this structure, but it really works well, and I'm going to include that in our article to help make more sales. Once ChatGPT has generated everything, I want you to ask ChatGPT to come up with a one-liner call to action that we can include in our article after every single point it makes. 

This is the prompt I'll give ChatGPT: "Create a one-liner call to action using the following information." Then, copy and paste the product description into ChatGPT and say, "Use this information to create the CTA and include it after every number in the article." Hit enter and let's see what ChatGPT comes up with.

If ChatGPT doesn't add the call to action to your article, we can do it manually. Scroll up and copy the prompt where you asked ChatGPT to create my one-liner, but don't tell it to include it in the article. Just copy that, paste it after the description, and hit enter. Let it create your call to action. It created a one-liner call to action for for me and should do same for you, but it doesn't have the link.

Include your affiliate link. If you didn't give it the information, here's how: copy the information that contains your affiliate link and paste it into ChatGPT. Request the one-liner with the affiliate link included. This looks much better. Use it and keep it saved in your Google Doc. Hit space, space, enter to save it so we don't lose it.

Now, go back to ChatGPT. Copy our entire article so we can save it in the Google Document. You'll see why in just a second. Copy the entire article and go to your second Google Doc. This is exactly why we opened two of them. Then, paste your article in the Google Doc.

Now, once we have our article on the Google Doc, we need to manually add our call to action because ChatGPT didn't actually do it for us. So let's go ahead and just copy the call to action with the link. I'm going to do something very clever here at the end of each point.

I'm going to paste in my link before number two here and hyperlink it. So, I'm just going to copy this link, and then cut the link (Ctrl + X). Now, I'm going to hyperlink this. Click, select the entire text, which is the call to action. Click where it says "Insert link," paste in the link, and click "Apply." As you can see here, our entire link is clickable.

I'm going to click on"B" to make it bold so it stands out a lot more. I'm going to copy this hyperlink and paste it after each point. So, after number two ends, before number three, I'm just going to hit "Enter" twice and add our link. Here before number four, again, click twice, add our link. Here before number five, I'm going to do the same thing. Now, before number six, again, I'm going to do the same thing. You can do this for your entire article.

Once you finish, your article should look very organized and neat. If you want, you can add some images to make it look nicer, but if you add too many images, it might distract the viewer, so I don't recommend it if you don't know what you're doing. Now, as you will see here, in the top left corner, it says "Untitled document, this is for almost all PDF documents. We're going to copy our article title and paste it here to give it a name

Now our PDF is done. What do we do now? Well, now we can proceed to the next step. Click on "File" and download this as a PDF. Once you do this, you're going to have it saved to your computer. Now is a trick. Now is where you get customers and people to come to your article, see your link, read your article, and buy the product.

How do you get traffic? Website number one that you can use to promote your product for free is SlideShare.net. It is a search engine that ranks very high on Google. Every single time someone searches, for example, "How can I lose weight as a woman?" or "How to lose weight," your PDF, once uploaded to this website, might get shown on Google. 

People searching on Google will see your product and buy it. Some of these PDFs have been seen 23 times, 11,000 times, 5,000 times, 28,000 times, and even 1.6 million times. This is a free traffic website, and this is how you get free customers to generate passive income. 

All you do here is register for free, click "Log in," register, and upload your PDF. People will have access to it on the website for free. Since you added your call to action inside the PDF, people reading it will have the option to buy your product, earning you commissions.

The second website you can promote your product on is Medium.com. Basically, you create a free account, copy your article from Google Docs, go to Medium.com, and paste in your article. Your link will already be clickable. Once finished, copy your title, paste it in Medium, and publish. Everyone will be able to read it, and it might show up on Google.

The third website you can use to promote your article is Vocal.media. It is similar to Medium. All you need to do is click "Join," create a free account, and paste in your article. Your article will also show up on Google for people searching for how to lose weight, and you'll make money.

Before I finish this article, here are two pro tips:

First, don't limit yourself to one platform. You can use all three and earn additional income. Publish your PDF on SlideShare, then on Medium, and then on Vocal.media. Then, go back to ChatGPT, choose another product, and do the same for a different niche and product to make more money.

Second, you can rank on Google by making YouTube videos using AI. For example, search "make money on TikTok" on Google. You'll see videos showing up because YouTube is owned by Google. If you post a video that teaches people about a product, it can show on Google for free. People watch the video and buy the product, generating additional income. You can make videos using AI like Nvid, which creates videos from prompts. 

If you're interested, I'll point you to at the end of this one. It will show you how to generate traffic and millions of views using short-form content. Work hard, play harder.
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