Starting an Amazon FBA Business Without Initial Investment

You need to understand what can go wrong when you actually spend money. So when you are new to Amazon affiliate program, you may do a lot of things wrong and you may end up losing a bunch of money. Many of which you don't have to spend money on if you had this idea and this brand new opportunity.

This is what you need to understand because if you do not follow what I'm going to share with you in this article, you can make a lot of painful mistakes in your near future. What should you do? When I first started I spent a bunch of money that I didn't need to spend money on.

I was only enthusiastic about selling on Amazon and proceed to Amazon because of the freedom. Amazon will handle the shipping, the handling, the customer service. They do all the hard work, there are millions of people buying from Amazon every single month and all I had to do was pick the perfect product.

That was literally my entire job. And I wanted to begin and do that because I wanted freedom, I wanted to travel around the world and pay off my debt. I did not want to be stuck doing something for the rest of my life that I did not like. And I saw Amazon as an opportunity.

But when I got into it, I got a little too enthusiastic and I just went straight into the deep without doing much research. One of the things that I did wrong was I started with what most people say "become a seller on Amazon"

You have to proceed and pay $39 a month. And just like that, $39 was going out of my wallet. What else did they tell me to do? " oh just purchase products from Alibaba". So I bought a bunch of items from Alibaba using a lot of my money. Money that I didn't really have, shipped them over Amazon with optimism and praying that I can make money

But because a lot of my profit would always be in the inventory, it was very hard for me to actually live off of the money I was making which didn't make sense. And what a lot of people are understanding and realizing. With a traditional Amazon FBA business model, most of your profit is in the inventory.

And as you scale, because you do not want to lose through competition, all the money that you're making is potentially just building your products so it's very hard to take money out of the business. If you are wondering, how would I actually make money with Amazon FBA? Well, this is what I would recommend you do instead.

This business works really well but where the significant earnings come from is when you sell the business. The people that made the most money in Amazon FBA are the ones that essentially sell their business. And they have a high capital to get started at once.

But if you have no initial investment and have no money to begin with, where would you go to get started? It's understanding on most principles how people make money on Amazon. When people have a problem, they go over to Amazon and type in something they think may solve their problem.

And when they go ahead and do that, they see one of the things they may like on the first line. They barely scroll down to the second or third pages, they just stay on the top and buy one of the items that appears on the first page.

When someone buys an item, the person who literally created the product will literally get paid somewhere around the world. Essentially, your goal to generate income with Amazon FBA isn't really about buying the product from Alibaba. It's seeing if you can run for keywords under value.

It was the people that developed New York who made the money before it was New York made the most money. It's the people that developed certain keywords in Amazon that make the most money. Look for keywords that aren't well developed. When you start typing anything in the Amazon search bar, you will see a couple of suggestions.

These are all ideas that you could proceed and start to see if you can rank for those keywords. When you go and purchase an item in bulk from Alibaba based on your researched keyword and ship them over to Amazon, they will rank on the first page for your search term.

But that cost money. What are other people doing? What if they rank for a T-shirt. You might not need any money on T-shirt and inventory, you don't need a bunch of sizes. Because with you can start an Amazon affiliate business for free.

They handle inventory, they do the shipping and customer service. They will ship the product and they will still pay you with monthly royalties. It's literally the same thing. With Amazon FBA, it's fulfilled by Amazon but the only difference is you get the opportunity to see if you can actually rank for your chosen item.

How do you do this? Very simple. Just go to and go to Pinterest and search for let's say t-shirts, see a bunch of ideas that you can get started with. Then go to, type in the search bar "t-shirt" and see if you can proceed and create a t-shirt design based on the ideas you picked from Pinterest.

Once you create a t-shirt on canva, download it and upload it to and see if you can rank for that keyword. If you see that an existing product on Amazon has low competition and reviews but people are searching for that item, take advantage of that.

Some of these products can make you a potential $100 a month in passive income. The idea is to find a way, you can even get to $500 or $1,000 income a month because this strategy is very low risk, you literally just read how to get started.

When you adhere to the traditional way to do Amazon FBA by importing from let's say China and test it out, you then have the ability to deal with more risk taking doing this. You can start with no initial investment, as long as you get some of the items to go ahead and rank when it comes to Merch Amazon.

This is an idea when you want to start ecommerce. Ecommerce requires money and requires some subscriptions. But just ask yourself how you can mitigate your risk. If you can find a way to make $30 or $50 a day online with cost-effective methods, you can take that money and put it into the bigger opportunity.

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