Top 3 Ways To Make Money Online As A Broke Individual

Take a few moments to look at these three products in the image below with their price tags. One is $300, another is $200, and the last one is $100. Which one do you think you'd make more money selling? I'll give you 2 seconds to answer this. You might be surprised to hear this, but it's actually the lowest one at $100. 

The reason why surprises most people; not only is the $100 one the one that you would make the most amount of money selling, but it's also the cheapest way of making money online, as the other ones require an initial investment, while this item could quite literally be made for free. 

I'm going to show you three ways of making money online as a broke individual and ways that actually work, and this is going to be way number one in our list today. To show you guys an example of what this first way of making money online is, I'd like to introduce you to a guy named Adam Wam. 

He's an entrepreneur who made over $2.5 million, literally creating something that most likely didn't cost him a dollar to make physically. Adam created a digital product, more specifically, an ebook, and this required no money to make, since it's entirely digital. 

With a traditional book, you'd have to invest in getting a publisher; that's a whole ordeal in of itself. Creating hundreds of thousands of different copies and just hoping and praying that those copies will sell. 

You also have to deal with the cost of shipping it out and all sorts of other investments, but with an ebook, all of those things are completely gone. You could quite literally write something about a useful skill or a subject that other people want to learn about, like Adam did, and you could theoretically start getting sales tomorrow. 

That's why from our figure earlier, the digital product was making the most amount of money per sale because they don't have those costs of physically fulfilling it and required the least amount of money to actually make the product. You could literally just create it within a Google Document and then export it as a PDF, and boom, you have an ebook. 

But that being said, digital products are not just limited to ebooks. You could also try creating an online course teaching something that you know about; that's literally just a collection of videos teaching something step by step, and you could price it anywhere from $5 to several thousand. 

Let's say you sold a $1,000 course and sold 10 copies a month; you're making $10,000 per month. Whereas if you promoted one of those physical products that we talked about earlier, there's all those costs that go into it. You'd have to make a lot more sales to make anywhere near the amount you could do with a course or a digital product like an ebook or a guide. 

The options are basically endless when it comes to digital products, and you can sell them on places like Gumroad, or if you're selling your own course, you can do it with Kajabi. Let's say you had a $200 course, and you sold just one a day, you're making $73,000 per year; pretty good salary considering that you only have to make the course once. 

Now you might be curious, how could I actually promote an online course so people will actually buy it without putting up billboards or online ads?  I'm going to show you guys a free way of advertising that will fall under the next way of making money online as a broke individual. 

If done right, this can actually be another way of making passive income, with you only needing to work one or two days per month. I've seen countless examples of this, not only with myself but with my students. What you need to do is make an account on the exact platform called YouTube. 

Next, what you want to do is pick a profitable niche that will make you the most amount of money. These are niches like travel, fitness, technology, finance. You might be wondering, "King, why are we doing this right now?" But trust me, this will make a lot of sense in just a second. 

Next, you're going to want to generate an entire month's worth of content for this channel, falling under that niche that we chose, and content in which you don't show your face or your voice. 

Yes, this will be the only part of the process that will take some time, but like I said, it's quite literally a free investment for the reward that you're going to get, which I'll explain to you guys in just a moment. You can easily create these faceless videos using artificial intelligence tools. 

For example, you can use the tool TubeMagic to generate your scripts with AI and then generate completely realistic voiceovers using something like Play.HD or simply recording yourself doing the voiceover using your phone. 

Once you've made anywhere from 10 to 20 videos for the month, you're going to want to go onto your new channel and schedule these videos to be uploaded over the span of the month. I recommend uploading anywhere from 3 to 5 videos per week, and then you can go ahead and start working on your next month of content right after that's done because you have it scheduled to be going out for you while you're working on that next batch, and you're basically ahead of the curve now. 

The reason you're doing all this is because of a super important hack that will allow you to work only one or two days per month. Once you repeat this process enough time doing the work yourself, you'll be making money from this that you can then invest in hiring other people from platforms like Fiverr to do the work that you may not enjoy doing for you. 

The way that you make money back is through ad revenue; so YouTube will put ads on your videos, and you'll make money every time someone sees an ad before your videos, during your videos, or after your video. 

If you get 6,000 views per day across all of your videos or 180,000 views per month with these profitable niches, you could be making anywhere from $1 to $5,000 per month. Then you go to Fiverr, hire somebody to do this for you at a fraction of the cost, and that's why in the beginning, I told you guys to create a faceless YouTube channel; that way, somebody else can take over doing this for you without there being any significant change in the content. 

Then, just one day per month, the person that you hire to do the work for you will send you a Google Drive folder with all of your videos in it, and you simply take those videos and you go ahead and schedule them to be uploaded. 

Use something like TubeMagic in order to write your titles, descriptions, and tags easily, so you have your videos optimized as much as they can possibly be, and then you can watch as your channel takes off more and more with you working ideally less and less. 

You can keep repeating this process as well. This is how I run 12 different channels because I have tons of people that I've hired online who work for me and with me around the clock, and the process can be a little bit complicated, but for how little investment that you have to do to get the ball rolling yourself and the potential of such a big reward back, I've never had to go to college or work a 9-to-5 job, all because of this method. It's 100% worth it in my opinion and one of the best ways of making money online. 

People go to college and be in debt for decades just to make a salary where they're barely able to cover their monthly expenses, but the potential rewards from running a faceless channel, at least in my opinion, are a lot more. 

If you want to do it, I have record-breaking amounts of students finding success within my program, if you're at all interested in doing this, but for our final way of making money online, it can actually be incorporated into both of the methods that we talked about today. In my opinion, it's one of the best ways of earning income with the internet. 

In your faceless YouTube channel description, you could simply add one to two special links that could potentially generate you an extra thousands of dollars per month, and you can easily do this by partnering with a high payout product. What you're going to need to do for that is go to a website like Digistore24, for example, go to the affiliate marketplace section, find a product within your niche, click the promote button, and you'll get that special link. 

The reason this is so awesome is because a lot of those products on Digistore are digital products like the products that we talked about in method number one within this video, and by high payout, I mean choosing a product that costs at least $500 because if you get a 50% commission from that, it would mean that you'd only need to sell one copy per day to make $90,000 per year from this. In fact, my course is actually on Digistore, and we give a 50% commission for anybody who promotes it, and you won't find commissions that high in most places on the internet. 

So if you're interested, I'll have a link to that in the comments, but now once you have that link, you can just basically go crazy promoting it. Promote it from any social media you have, a blog, and most importantly, put that link in all of your YouTube video descriptions and even your pinned comments if you want. As long as the people watching your faceless videos are the same audience that would potentially buy that high payout partner product, then you're golden. 

For example, in the software niche, obviously, a lot of people are going to want to buy software, so that's a great match. So if you're a broke individual right now, here's exactly what to do: first of all, learn a skill that other people want to learn about. This skill can be something like running YouTube channels, doing video editing, doing copywriting, or helping people with AI since that's a really trending subject right now. 

Next, create a faceless YouTube channel, or even a channel that you do show your face; the methods for growing any channel are really the same, and YouTube is the best platform because you can post the videos once and keep getting views for years in the future. I still make money from videos I uploaded when I was just 14. 

Then, create your own digital product, find also a high payout partner product to promote; this could be, for example, a software that helps people in the subject you're talking about. Promote both of those with your faceless YouTube channel, and all three of these methods can all feed each other. These aren't just random methods that I went over today in this tutorial.

These are methods that are all symbiotic to each other, but the glue that holds all these products together are faceless YouTube channels and doing something called YouTube automation, which allows you to automate running these channels so they're working for you. 

In the next tutorial i will show you exactly how to run faceless YouTube channels without stepping in front of a camera, how to actually get tons of views and subscribers fast, how to monetize to the next level, and some secrets I've never shared publicly online before. Make sure to check make on Friday. I know you'll get a ton of value from it. My name is Kingsley Abbey, and I will meet you in the next tutorial. 

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