How to Earn with Automated Books on Amazon: Your Complete Guide

Low-content books are a very popular and easy type of book to sell on Amazon. The insides of these books are mostly blank; they're inexpensive to produce, and you don't have to actually create extensive content. However, there's an even better book that you can sell, one that no one else is talking about on YouTube or writing about. 
This type of book is also very popular on Amazon and is also easy to make: medium-content books. These books require a little bit more work to make, but you still don't have to be a real author to create them. They can also be automatically generated from start to finish using AI. 
Because they require a little bit more effort, the market for them is not as saturated, which means you could increase your revenue when selling these types of books. Some people are generating significant monthly income by selling these medium-content books, and here's exactly how you can start doing it too.

First, we need to identify the types of medium-content books that sell best on Amazon because the last thing you want to do is waste your time creating books that never sell. You want to focus only on books that are proven to be popular and generate sales on Amazon. Medium-content books include things like coloring books, activity books, and puzzle books. 
Specifically, you should focus on creating coloring books because they are the most popular medium-content book you can start selling. By using the steps in this article, you'll be able to quickly generate these types of books using AI and other tools.

Before we start making random coloring books, we need to narrow down the types that sell the best and have the least competition. For example, if we head into Amazon and search for the term "coloring book," you'll see that over 80,000 search results appear. To compete effectively, you'll want to narrow this number down by searching for a more specific type of coloring book. 
You can easily find popular coloring book niches by simply clicking into the Amazon search bar and hitting the space bar. When you do this, Amazon will give you a list of other coloring book suggestions based on what people are searching for.

For example, searching for "coloring books for adults" reduces the number of products to 60,000(we I checked). This is great because it means we're finding other popular coloring books in less crowded niches. To further narrow it down, we can click on the search bar again, hit the space bar, and select another suggestion like "coloring books for adults relaxation," which reduces the results to 30,000. 
We can continue this process until we find a niche that isn't crowded. For instance, searching for "coloring books for adults relaxation simple" brings the search results down to 20,000.

Once you've found a niche that isn't crowded, how do you know which types of coloring books are selling and making a lot of money within that niche? There are a couple of different ways to do this. The first way is by looking at product reviews. Amazon has said that only around 1 to 2% of people leave a review on a product they purchase. 
This means for every 100 sales, only one to two people leave a review. By looking at the number of reviews a product has and multiplying that number by 100, you can get a rough estimate of the number of sales. For example, a coloring book with over 7,300 reviews has sold roughly between 730,000 and 369,000 times based on that 1 to 2% review number. 

Although this method isn't perfect, it provides an estimate of product performance. If you want more accurate sales data, you could use a tool like Jungle Scout or Helium 10, but these tools cost money. 
Estimating sales based on feedback is usually sufficient. Using this method, I researched and discovered three types of coloring books within this niche that are selling well. Now, it's time to take one of these ideas and show you exactly how you can create something similar using AI to start selling for yourself.

We'll use a flower coloring book as an example. To get started, the first thing we'll do is design the cover using a tool called Book Bolt. This tool is specifically designed to make low and medium-content books. 
Once on the site, click on "Start Your Complimentary 3-Day Trial," create a new account, and log in. Once logged in, you'll need to create a new project by clicking on "Research," then "Create," and then clicking on "Book Bolt Studio." 

Name the project "coloring book," choose the trim size (8.5" x 11" is the most common size for coloring books), and keep the interior pages blank for now because we'll use AI to add the actual designs to the interior pages later. Generally, it's best to keep medium-content books shorter, around 100 pages or less. 
This makes them more attractive to customers and helps manage production costs, enhancing your earnings. For this example, I'll make the book 100 pages. After that, click "Create Project."

Next, we'll create the cover. The right side is the cover of the book, and the left is the back. It's a good idea to take a look at books that are already selling well on Amazon and draw inspiration from their covers. Going back to the three book examples from earlier, I'll draw inspiration from one of them. 
To make this cover, we'll use AI, specifically a tool called MidJourney. Save an image from the Amazon listing, then take this image into MidJourney and ask the AI to describe it by typing "/describe," selecting the image, and uploading it. After a few seconds, the AI will come up with a few descriptions. Click on "Imagine All," and the AI will create 16 different book covers. Choose one with or without words and then use Book Bolt to add the words later if needed.

With the help of AI, we created an incredible book cover in maybe 30 seconds or less. Add this cover to your book within Book Bolt. For the back cover, do something similar to the seller's example by showing examples of coloring pages within the book. We'll hold off on creating the back of the book until we've finished the interior pages.

Now, let's design the interior pages using AI. Head back to MidJourney. Type "/imagine" and then the prompt. For example, "black and white coloring book page for adults thick outlines flowers." Specify the aspect ratio by adding "--ar 4:5" at the end of the prompt. After a few seconds, the AI generates coloring pages. 
You can keep refreshing until you have enough designs for your book. If you want more specific flowers, search for flower types on Google and change the prompt accordingly.

Once you've decided on the coloring pages, download them from MidJourney by upscaling the images and saving them to your computer. Make sure all the pages belong in the same coloring book. Import the pages into Book Bolt and add them to each page. Export your coloring book and make it available on Amazon using Amazon KDP. 
Sign up for a free Amazon KDP account, fill out your details, and create your project in Book Bolt. Download the project, separating the cover from the interior pages into two files.

Back in your Amazon KDP account, fill out details like the title, author, and description. Use Book Bolt's research tools to find trending titles, pricing, and keywords. Publish the book with the provided ISBN from Amazon. Preview your book to ensure it looks good, then set your price. Once Amazon approves it, your coloring book will be live on Amazon.

Follow this process for any type of medium-content book, not just flower coloring books. If there is enough interest, I'll drop an article on it. You're amazing, I believe in you, and as always, I'll see you again very soon. Take care..
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