6 Lucrative Side Hustles Generating $5,000/Month

So I recently discovered six very surprising side hustles. You've probably never heard of them. All of these side hustles can make you a lot of money. Many of them, especially the last one on the list, could even replace your day job altogether.

So what if you could qualify for hundreds of dollars per week or more? Plus, receive complimentary products sent to you. Those complimentary products could be worth hundreds or sometimes even thousands of dollars. Well, more and more companies are starting to spend a lot of money on something called User-Generated Content (UGC).

User-Generated Content is brand-specific content created by customers and published on social media for the brand. Brands need content to promote their products, and potential customers are much more likely to purchase a product when they watch a video from a real person. You'll often see this type of content on sites like TikTok, Instagram, and as of recently, the product review videos on Amazon.

This is something that literally every single person reading this article can start doing as soon as today. Getting started is incredibly easy. All you have to do is go to a site like Fiverr, create a free account, and then post a gig saying that you'll create a UGC unboxing video for an Amazon shoppable video. You could also create a couple more gigs, maybe one for TikTok and then one for Instagram. You'll then simply come up with a description for the gig using some of the existing UGC gigs on Fiverr as inspiration, and then set your pricing. That's it!

Companies can then reach out to you, ask you if they can send you their product, and then ask you to create a one-minute long product review video that they can then post on sites like Amazon, Instagram, and TikTok. In many cases, on top of actually paying you for the review video, many companies will even let you retain the product.

Now, how much money you can make with this side hustle really depends on how much content you're actually producing for companies on a monthly basis. But there are people achieving significant financial gains, making as much as $10,000 or more per month by doing this. Even if you only made a couple of hundred per month or even like $1,000 per month by doing this, that's still a really nice boost to your income.

Now, this might be hard to believe at first, but there are people making literally thousands of dollars per week just from building IKEA furniture on sites like TaskRabbit, Angie's List, Thumbtack, and Airtable. I know what you're probably thinking, but Kingsley, who would pay somebody to build IKEA furniture?

Isn't it already super simple to assemble? The answer to that question is yes, but a lot of people still want it done for them. Take me, for example. I've had multiple built-ins built in my house using a mixture of IKEA bookshelves and other materials, and I've paid people hundreds of dollars every time to come to my house and build the IKEA bookshelves for me.

IKEA claims that a new bookshelf is sold every five seconds, and this doesn't even include all of the other furniture that they sell. There's definitely bound to be more than enough work for you to do. Getting started is very simple. All you need are a few simple tools like a screwdriver, and if you want to get the jobs done faster, potentially spend like $20 or so on a decent power drill.

But honestly, in most cases, this furniture comes with tools already, so you likely don't need anything to get started other than just creating the accounts on these websites and letting the leads roll in.

You don't even have to limit yourself by only assembling IKEA furniture. You could also offer other services like TV mounting services or bed frame assembly services. If you were just spending even a few hours per week doing this, there's no reason why you couldn't earn a couple of extra $100 per week. Or you could decide to take it full-time and potentially earn thousands of dollars per week.

Every year during the autumn season, hundreds of millions of acorns fall from oak trees around the world. They present a massive and very surprising way to start making money. Now, you're probably thinking, "Kingsley, how in the world can I make money with acorns?" But just hang with me, okay?

If you were to go to sites like Etsy or even Amazon, you'll notice that people are selling acorns, typically by the pound. Some sellers are even selling them for as much as $1 per acorn, and the craziest part about this is people are actually buying them. You might be wondering, "Why are so many people buying acorns? Are people just out here planting trees or something?" Well, maybe, but in most cases, people are using these acorns for things like decoration, arts and crafts, or even to feed animals like deer.

Depending on where you live, acorns might not be easily accessible, and the only way people can find them is by buying them online. So, if you happen to live somewhere that has a lot of oak trees that drop a lot of acorns, or perhaps there's some type of nature center or park near you where you can collect acorns, then this is a side hustle that can be very lucrative.

Now, perhaps you're somebody who doesn't have access to real acorns, right? So you're thinking, "Well, that side hustle is not for me." Well, not so fast because there are also people who are selling fake artificial acorns, and they're making a lot of money doing so. For example, all of these listings that you see on Etsy and even on Amazon, these are fake acorns. This listing on Amazon, for example, is selling 100 artificial acorns for about $12, and over 500 people bought them last month. Doing some quick math and multiplying the product cost of $1.95 by the quantity sold (500) equals $6,000 just from selling fake acorns.

But how can you actually go about selling fake acorns? Pay close attention because what I'm going to show you is going to blow your mind. If you go to a site called AliExpress and type in "acorns," you'll find a ton of listings. These acorns are being sold for much cheaper than what they're selling for on sites like Etsy or Amazon. For example, if you were to go to AliExpress and check out these acorns, you'll see that you can buy 20 acorns for $2.68. However, if you head back to Etsy and search for artificial acorns, you'll find the same acorns being sold for almost double the price.

This seller on Etsy is buying these acorns from AliExpress for $2.68 and then selling them on Etsy for a higher price. It's the same product but at a higher markup. This is just one example, but there are people doing this with virtually every kind of product you can think of. Like the example with the Amazon seller I showed you earlier, people are making as much as $6,000 per month just from selling fake acorns.

The best part is that you can do this from the comfort of your home as long as you have an internet connection and a phone or computer. You don't even have to limit yourself to acorns; you can do this with various products and find items on AliExpress to resell on platforms like Etsy, eBay, or Amazon.

Now, with this next side hustle, you can start generating revenue while playing video games by selling in-game items for real money. There's a popular website called PlayerAuctions that's been around since 1999. This website helps facilitate the sale of in-game items or characters for real-world money.

For example, take a popular game like Roblox. Roblox has an in-game currency called Robux. People are selling these Robux and generating substantial income doing so. In-game purchases have become a $29 billion market in 2022 and continue to rise. People spend a lot of money on their games.

This last side hustle is probably the most surprising of them all. Not many people know about it, but some have created thriving businesses from it. When people's phones or devices break, they often throw them away or sell them for cheap on sites like eBay. This presents an exceptional opportunity for you. You can buy these broken iPhones and other devices for very cheap on platforms like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, and OfferUp. Then, you can take apart the device and resell all the working individual parts.

For example, let's take a broken iPhone 12 as an example. You can buy it for about $40 plus $5 in shipping. Even though the phone is broken, it has about 18 working parts inside that can be sold individually for a total of about $148. In many cases, you can find used phones with intact screens that can be sold for even more. This concept extends beyond iPhones and can include computers, iPads, and more. Companies like Gazelle make over $100 million in revenue by doing this.

You don't even have to limit yourself to iPhones; you can do this with various devices. This is what companies like Gazelle do, and they make over $100 million in revenue. You can take advantage of this remarkable opportunity to buy broken devices, harvest their working parts, and resell them for a profit.

That's it! You can turn these surprising side hustles into a source of income that can significantly enhance your income. Remember, there are numerous ways to make money, and sometimes the most unexpected opportunities can lead to substantial income.
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