Top 10 Financial Tips for Succes

Ladies and gentlemen you are going to have to pay attention to this article because in this article I am going to show you the 10 financial success secrets to achieve your first million. These are the financial insights that I used to earn my first $100,000, my first million dollars and even more. This is not going to be the regular " hey save money on Starbucks and eventually you'll make a million".

This article is for the people that are serious about achieving their first million and not only that but multiplying one million into many millions more not only for yourself but for your future family. So on that note, grab a notebook and pen and let's get into it.

1. Money is a never-ending game

The first secret is that money is a never-ending game and you should treat it as such. I understand your position, you are looking at a million dollars and you're thinking "wow if I had a million dollars my life will totally change". And yes, of course, your life will get better but just understand when you reach your first million, what do you think? You are going to stop the game and you're going to be happy?.

You are going to keep playing the game and keep going. The only way to stay on track is to understand that money is a never-ending game. The only people that get the press that money will ruin your life are people that think that money is a destination. Some sort of figures and number is the end of your life and means you've accomplished it and you're done.

As long as you wake up and you play this game understanding that you are just unhappy when you have $10,000 as you will when you have 10 million dollars which means not happy with your financial situation, that doesn't mean you won't be proud. You can always be proud of your financial situation but it doesn't mean that you will ever be contempt or be happy because this is a never-ending game so treat is as such.

2. Learn when to go for and not go for an opportunity

The next financial success secret is to learn when to say "I don't have the appetite for that right now". One of the reasons I'm doing so well in my career is that I understand that my main business are very difficult businesses and they required a lot of money to start which is why five years ago when I had the opportunity to get involved in them, I simply said "I don't have the appetite for that right now".

There are even industries and businesses as well as ventures that can make me hundreds of millions of dollars and I said "I'm sorry, I don't have the appetite for that right now". The appetite for it may mean either the hunger or sacrificing a certain life. You need to understand when to pick the right vehicle and when to pick the right opportunity for your career stage.

It's more like doing bench press, you start off with one plate until you can work your way up to two plates, three plates and more. One of the worst things that you can do is to commit to a business idea, venture and say that you are going to give it your all or say that you are going to push when you know that it's either you don't have the ability or you simply don't have the commitment and hunger.

That is totally fine, it's fine to understand that there are certain opportunities that you simply don't have the appetite for right now. And that does not mean that you will never have the appetite for it.

3. It's never possible until you see it

The next financial success secret is that it's never possible until you see it, either you see it online or even more powerful, you see it in person. This is why I have said for years and years that rather than going to Starbucks and spending $6 or whatever it is on a coffee, go to a fancy hotel lobby. Go to a nice restaurant and spend $10 on a coffee. This is because even at the fanciest place in the world, you'll spend maybe $15 on a coffee.

Maybe you've spent $9 more than you normally would on a coffee but you can sit there for 45 minutes sipping your coffee while you look around. And when you realize that there are certain people with $270,000 on their wrist, when you look at truly wealthy people and you will realize that most of the times they don't really wear brands

Most of the times they are very under the radial. When you look at wealthy people and you see the way that they move and the way that they act you first of all start to realize that if your reality is "I can't imagine making more than $50,000 a year" and someone is sitting down in front of you with a $150,000 on their wrist or whatever the number maybe, it totally changes and it shifts your reality.

This is also why if you can, just walk around affluent areas. Whatever the nice area of your city is, go there and walk around to see all of the money and wealth and it will start to sink some conscience that it is possible.

4. Aim to make money fast but build wealth slowly.

There is no such thing as get rich quick but there is such a thing as getting rich quicker. There are certain vehicles in life that you can get compensated far more for your time that you put in, the skill and talent that you develop in that vehicle that you wouldn't if you spend a thousand hours working in a different industry.

Never rush the process but of course try to make money as fast as possible. Try to become rich as quick as you can but rich and wealthy are two very different things, so aim to build your wealth slowly. This is because true wealth is only built through years and decades of wisdom and learning the live money lessons again and again. Aim to become rich quick but aim to become wealthy slowly because that is the only way that you will keep it.

5. Ignore money advice from the financially illiterate.

I truly believe that in this world it doesn't matter of the financially literate and the financially illiterate, and it doesn't matter what background, religion or whatever it is. It doesn't matter where you come from, it's simply a matter of whether you're financially literate or financially illiterate. I made sure that I learn from a young age the language of money.

What money is, where it comes from, how it works. There are people in your life that have the best intentions for you, they love and care for you but you have to ignore their advice so that way you can take care of not only you but in future, you'll take care of them.

6. Money is energy and energy can never stay stagnant

I see this a lot where people make money and they are soo afraid to spend that money, they are soo afraid to circulate that money back into their economy. They are soo afraid to release that energy and they are living in such scarcity mindset that they just end up losing it all somehow. They may not lose it but more money never flows to them.

Money is energy, it's inflow and it's outflow. That doesn't mean that everything that comes out must go out. Especially in your 20's you should be saving and investing majority of the money that you make, but never hub that money because if you do that the money becomes stagnant and you have cut off the flow of energy.

7. You need to build your peace of mind path.

These are times that give you true peace of mind; this needs to be a safety net where you know that no matter what happens and no matter how ambitious or riskier the venture you may take, you'll always have something to fall back on. I do not believe that money buys happiness but money can if you do it right, buy your peace of mind.

Bear in mind that it doesn't mean making a lot of money because the person who makes $200,000 a year and only spends $40,000 and has a very big peace of mind, that person has far more peace in their life than the person who makes 20 million dollars a year and manages to spend 19 million dollars because they are running such thin margins.

They are playing such a dangerous game. So from day one if you can build your peace of mind path, that will be great. In my opinion, the older that you get and the larger that peace of mind path gets the more income that comes in and the higher the percentage that you can spend. I am not saying for the rest of your life you need to put away 80% of everything that you make.

I am saying that in the beginning build that peace of mind path so that when you are not going into your career stress and instead you can focus. This is because you're good and then later when that path is big enough you can go spending, and never let anyone tell you that something is too expensive. If you have your finances in order and you are always putting money away, you can spend huge money on things that people might think are so expensive.

At a certain point, you need to enjoy your life and if you don't want to enjoy your life, go spend it on your loved ones and the ones that you care about. Let them enjoy the spoils of your work but as I mentioned, always keep your peace of mind path.

8. Identity

You can work extremely hard but if you have the identity of a poor person, it will always chain you. In life, you do not get what you deserve, you get what you think you deserve because what you think you deserve dictates your actions and your actions dictate what you actually get in life. It's very unfortunate to see a lot of people in abusive relationships and the reason they stay in those relationships is because they have some part of their identity that thinks they deserve it.

Because the crazy thing is, after they get out of one abusive relationship they find their way into another. So it has become part of their identity. If you have something that is as heartbreaking and unfortunate as that and also from the extreme side of things all the way to the person that they have an identity that they are not wealthy and deserving of money.

This is why I always tell people "go buy that $12 coffee at the hotel" go out to areas and know that these are normal people. They move differently, talk differently and they carry themselves differently but at the end of the day these are just normal people.

9. Reputation can never be reborn so act accordingly.

In life, you need to understand that you will always have the opportunity to make more money but your reputation is almost impossible to claw back. So the next time you think about carelessly venturing into some business partner or cutting someone out of a deal when you made a promise. Or in general, just making money from dirty means.

Understand that your reputation will live with you for the rest of time. Your reputation carries on because just like Chinese whispers, people will talk and talk and it will continue to permeate. So when you consider that your reputation is probably one of the most fragile things on earth, never ever put it at risk because it is very hard to re-buy

10. Ask the hard questions before you get into a working relationship with someone.

This is something important that very few people do which is to ask the hard questions before you get into a working relationship with someone. To me, it's bizarre to see that people get into business partnerships without asking the difficult questions of "hey what happens if we have a disagreement?, what happens if we have a fall out".

Equally, it is very interesting to me that people hire people to represent them full time, their companies, their brands and they don't ask questions about someone's personal life. Someone's personal life is a very big testament to what they are like in a working professional setting. I can guarantee you that if you go look at someone's car and it's full of trash and messy, it probably reflects the quality of their work and how they are in their workplace.

Just understand that it's much better to ask the awkward and uncomfortable personal questions ahead of time and get it out of the way because then you truly understand who you are going into business with and who you are going to work with. That's all I have for you in this article and I hope I helped you in one way or the other. I will definitely be behind you as you make your way through to your first million.

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