Online Jobs that Pay You $20 To $200 Per Hour

The world is evolving every single day and we no longer have to drive for an hour or two in rush hour, just to waste almost all our time going to a job that we are no more interested in.

One actual fact is that every single day, people are using this ten jobs that i will be sharing with you even though they have never got any experience with this jobs before. They are using these jobs to start making money online from home so that they can spend more of their time with family and loved ones and also getting some peace of mind.

One thing i really like about this jobs is that anyody can do this, as long as you know where to find these jobs. It's absolutely okay if you do not have any experience, that's okay because you do not need any experience. There is no need to panic if you haven't done anything on the internet before.

There is a grand demand for people just like you who have the ability to learn a couple of new things to actually start making some serious income online as freelancers. 

In this article, i am going to show you how to make money online fast with this freelance website called upwork. It is absolutely free and like i mentioned, it requires no experience. Let's just go straight into these 10 online jobs that will pay you $20 to $200 per hour on upwork. 

1. Pinterest Account Manager.

What is a Pinterest Account Manager? 

This can be related to freelancing. You will have to create eye catching pinterest images for business and individuals who do not get time to design their own pin images.

These images are free to create on canva and this could get you paid up to $60 per hour. Entrepreneurs needs someone to create images for them because it takes their time away from their actual business. 

These entrepreneurs are willing to pay as much as $20 to $60 for you to create images for them, and you can create these for free. The amazing thing about this is that you don't need any experience, no college degree and you don't need a background experience.

You just have to be someone who loves using pinterest, and know which pinable images actually does well. Just imagine how amazing it is just creating images, put it out there and you will get paid. 

This is the most amazing thing ever and it's just one of those jobs that you should jump on and start making money online from. 

2. Community Manager

What is community manager?

A lot of entrepreneurs sell online causes and with this, a lot of customers come in and they could have hundreds and thousands of people in a facebook group that are constantly asking questions. 

Here, the problem for the entrepreneur who is selling the cause is that he or she can't spend all of his or her time in the facebook group. This is simply because it takes away the increase of sales and  focusing on the business itself. 

So what is required or what there is a growth in demand for is people that can manage these communities. Like i mentioned, this does not require you to have any background experience. You just have to be a trustworthy person.

How this works is simple, head over to upwork and create an upwork project catalog wanting to be a community manager. Once your project is approved and goes live, you will start receiving offers from people who are willing to pay you so that you can handle their social media communities.

Normally, the entrepreneur or the one wanting to hire you will have a long list of frequently asked questions that he or she knows that his or her community will normally ask especially if they are new customers. All you will literally be doing is managing this groups or communities and answering questions based on what has been provided by the employer. 

Sometimes, people may ask a question that isn't necessarily on the document you have been provided with. All you have to do is to take such questions to your employer (person creating the courses). They will tell you the answer and include it to the document as well. 

It's a very "easy go lucky" job but you have to be someone who knows how to communicate well with people, treating people good and caring for people. This is something that can pay you an easy $25 per hour. 

Before we move on to the next one, i want you to join our telegram group through this link digi.tele. that way, you will have access to even more ways to make money online from home doing little or nothing at all.

3. Facebook Ads Manager

The third job that pays $42 an hour is creating facebook ads. This is a very lucrative job. People get paid up to $2,000 a month for simply running ads of an entrepreneur.

These ads may only take about 30 minutes to run and manage. With that said, you could have multiple clients that you work for and you could make twice or triple of $2,000 and before you know, you will have a pretty stable job. 

The best part is, you don't have to worry about losing a job like what you do when you are depending on just one job. With this skill, you're not only going to earn $42 multiple times per hour, but you could have multiple jobs going out at ones because you will not be dependant on one client. 

4. Proofreading

The fourth thing we are going to talk about is a proofreading job. A lot of entrepreneurs like me write blog articles, blog content and sometimes we do not get the time to actually look at all these typographical errors. 

This is why we go out on upwork to hire a supportive role like proofreading. You can earn up to $300 an hour. If you are someone who is good in grammer and always see what people are misspelling then this is perfect for you. 

5. Book Keeping 

In a lot of cooperations, you will always notice that there is always an accounting department, and the people you'll find there are mostly those typing numbers and calculating.

Now, because a lot of people are doing online businesses, it requires a lot of online jobs to support this online businesses. Back in the days, you would need to have a business and have the accounting department physically in that same location of the business. 

But now, because a lot of people are having business online and having online payments, they obviously need an online accounting. And this is what book keeping is. This is why people hire book keepers to have them manage their numbers and look at their profit and loss statements.

If you are good with numbers, you could apply for this as well. You could be earning somewhere around $40 an hour doing this. If you have the propensity or the affinity to learn how to become a book keeper, you could see that the qualifications are a lot less than what you would think as compared to applying for a 'big prestigious  job" in New York or California.

As mentioned, you only have to be good with numbers and maybe have some experience. That is, understanding how to do book keeping. When you are hired as a book keeper, your educational background isn't that important. You don't need to have a degree, all you need is to be good with numbers.

6. Virtual Assistant

Same way where a lot of online business are now moving into the online world, there is also the need to have a lot of good virtual assistants. People that will normally do the assisting work in person at this cooperations can do it now at the luxury of their laptops from anywhere in the world.

Online businesses are the thing of the future. This means that online jobs will only increase. And if you are someone that doesn't like going in rush hour to a job all the time, you can take the same skill set you already have and you can start working for an online business equivalent to your job.

If you work in a job or a company right now, there is probably an online business competitor that will actually pay you more because they have less overhead cards. 

If you have experience from your previous job, you can put it up there in your upwork profile. That way, you are going to be hired very fast and start making money online from home. Instead of applying for these jobs in physical locations, why don't you try it on an online job? You will get paid way more. 

7. Freelance Writing.

A lot of people need content written on their blogs and websites as well as transcribing things on their videos. People who run a podcast and do a lot of videos are not necessarily going to write anything they talk about in their video.

With that said, they go on to upwork and hire a freelance writer and have them transcribe their entire video so that people that actually like reading compared to the actual podcast can also have their share. 

8. Github

This job is actually off upwork. Github is a company that hires software engineers,engineers and customer service reps. If you get accepted on this website, you could be earning upwards to $60k dollars per year as a remote job. 

If you are an engineer and you actually think you are only good doing things physically and can't do anything online, here is one of those things that you can actually work for. 

All you have to do is to head over to gitub, look for their open positions, apply just like how you apply for a regular job. The only difference is that everything is virtually online. If you have more like an engineer type of experience, then this is the right job for you.

9. Buffer.

Buffer is a social media management company that are also looking for customer service reps, software developers, engineers, data analysis. All you have to do is to head over to their website and see the available job spaces and see if you qualify.

I will recommend you try all of these jobs because all of these job positions requires you to be hired in one to have access to all of the job opportunities. You could be making from $20 to $200 per hour.

10. Starting a blog/website.

You can actually make money trying to find an online job because the entire demand of the world right now is moving to the online space. If you can just document your process and share how you are actually getting these jobs, that is extremely valuable.

There are people that are selling products and services, teaching other people how to actually get online jobs. This is because more and more people are realising the importance of working in the online world.

If that is something that you want to get started with, then you should check out this article on how to make money through blogging

In conclusion

During the pandemic in 2020, a lot if things changed. Some of us were introduced to quarantine for the first time and at that point, most people around the world came to realise the importance of the online presence.

You don't need to physically go to the market to buy stuffs, you can order it. You do not have to go to work in the traditional way as we do because there is zoom. This is where the future is going.

And the thing is, people are going to fight this because they might be uncomfortable with it in the beginning. But we are in times where we need to adopt to the new trends that the world is moving into.

That way, we can save time, be more confident in carrying out our day to day activities knowing that we could return to work online whenever we want. 

If you end up finding value in this article, consider joining our telegram group here digi.tele to have access to more legit ways to make money online as a teenager, mom and so on. It is free and you can change your mind later.

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