Earn $1,800 Everyday From Google By Searching

Is it just me or you do even find yourself telling people to just Google it, whenever they have a question that you don't have an answer to?

Google is one of the biggest companies in the world. And everyday, millions of people use it to look up for information, discover new trends, follow their favorite celebrities on social media, watch movies and visit websites.

However, did you know that a simple google trick can generate a lot of money for you? All you need is your mobile phone or computer and internt connect. You can use this method wherever you are in the world.

So keep reading this article until the end to learn more about the strategy and perhaps earn over $1,800 everyday.

Now before we go further, if you end up finding value from this article that i have put more effort and hard work into writing, consider scrolling down this article until you see the "follow" button. Click on it to follow this website. That way, i will notify you whenever i have a new strategy to make even more money online so you can be one of the first to use it.

It is free and you can change your mind later. Now let's get back to the tutorials.

First off, i want you to go on to Google and search for the keywords "Google News" . or just visit the website directly if you prefer "News.Google.com".

This will then take you to this page in the image above. Now, if you want to get paid you should pay close attention to the different categories on the left-hand of the page.

You will see "business, technology,entertainment, sports, science and health". These are popular topics that people people want to learn more about.

If you click on one of these, you will find news related with that category. There are many articles as shown in the image below that looks very professional,so pick one that interests you for the next step.

After choosing one, simply click on it and that will take you to the official article which contains all of the news about the topic you chose. Now comes the exciting part.

Using Google news and articles from other people's professional articles, it's a great way to make money.

Simply copy the sentence on an entire paragraph.
And as we go to the next step, visit Spinbot.com. Spinbot is a free test rewriting tool.

As you can see in the image below, all you have to do is to paste the paragraph that we've copied previously over here and click on this button printed in red as shown in the image below to start rewriting the articles.

Just paste the paragraph to start the waiting game, and SpinBot will help you completely rewrite the article to create something entirely new and original.

The power of Google and Al technology can be used to rewrite articles, make them more your own and change them into content that is above comparison, and where you can make loads and loads of money using this strategy.

I know most of you are somewhat familiar with this. So to complete the third step, you must visit three different websites. Stay with me until the end of this article to learn more about each one.

Take note, visiting more websites means earning more money. So the first website is Textboker.com.

Once you're on the Textboker.com homepage, click on i need content up here and then click on payment. They will show you how much money you could potentially make. You get paid instantly.

It all depends on the quality of your article of course. You will be given star ratings corresponding to different amounts of money you'll be paid per word on this website.

And again, you don't have to write your own articles, and you don't need any writing skills or experience for this. All you have to do is go to Google news and look for other people's articles, and then SpinBot will do all the work for you by rewriting the entire article.

And the best part is that you can get paid just for searching on Google. You can do this, anyone can do this, and even more so, if you're using top notch Google articles, you'd be getting ratings from four to five stars which will then be rewarded with bags of money as shown in the image below.

It's one of the simplest strategies i've seen in a while for beginners grasp. And you can combine multiple articles into one to increase the word count and your earnings.

Here are some valid reasons to sign up with Textboker right away.
  • First off, it's free to join and you have a ton of flexibility and freedom when it comes to time, and you can submit as many articles as you like.
  • Next, they pay you weekly once you've earned $10, and you can start withdrawing money directly into your account.
With that said, i want you to comment below and let me know wgat payment method you prefer. And i will try to write articles abou that.

Now keep reading because i will be showing you two more websites where you will get paid for submitting rewriten articles.

The second website on our list is iWriter.com.
iWriter only requires five simple steps to work.

  • Step one, create an account
  • Step two, request the type of content you want to work on
So you must first choose a category for the articles byou want to create. You can choose from a variety of popular categories like Business, Technology, Entertainment and so on.

  • Step three, receiving your content from the writer.
  • Step four, review your content and you can either accept or reject it.
  • Step five, download your content and get paid.
As you can see from the image below, they will pay you. Now, your earnings will vary based on what customers purchase.

Under elite for 300 words, that's $7.70. If yougo higher, let's assume you are serious about this. For 4000 words, thats $88.

The good news is that if you provide high quality articles like those from Google news, you can join the elite plus category where you can earn $290 for 4000 words, which is a significant sum of money.

You can use the same article again and again by submitting to Textboker.com and iWriter.com. Just think about how much money you can make from multiple websites with just one article.
Again, signing up for these websites is free.

The third website is Scripted.com.
Scripted.com usually pays you for any article you have written.

All you have to do is to click on the button highlighted in the image above that says "Apply" to become a writer.

Which will then take you to this page where you can apply to work as a freelancer by submitting your application. 

This is an excellent beginners friendly method for newbies because payment is guaranteed here. You can get paid instantly after registering.

The best part is you can set your price compared to the two previous websites. By charging more, you can effectively double your earnings because they pay you well and let you work whenever and wherever you want. 

They currently accept applications from more than 20 countries. Having that said, i want you to comment down below where you are reading this article from.

In that way, i can write specific contents for your region in my next tutorial. 

Now, simply click on the "Apply" button on the homepage of Scripted.com. You will then land on this page where you can create a free account by filing out all the necessary info. 

After that you can start making money. These days, you can work in any industry and in any category.  The reason why Google, particularly Google news are so popular is that they cover the most well-known and trending topics that people are interested in.

There are simply too many resources and various news articles. And they'll keep updating them everyday including sports,science and even health.  

Since no one is mentioning this method, it is my goal to share the most innovative and cutting edge strategy with you guys. 

To get paid on Google, use the power of Google news to find multiple articles. Using an Al program called Spinbot, you can rewrite those articles and submit them to the three previous websites. 

Doing so, you'll get paid over and over again. And that's all there is to it. 

Now if you want to make even more money then you have to follow this website by scrolling down this article until you see the "follow" button. Click on it and i will notify you whenever i have a new strategy to make money money online. 

How to money money online,How to make money online 2022, How to make money online as a kid, how to make money online as a teenager, how to make money online fast, how to make money online for beginners, how to make money online for free, 

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  • Moonie
    Moonie 15 December 2022 at 17:38

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