How To Make $19.00 For Every 3 Attempt

With this tutorial, i will show you how to get make $19.00 for every 3 attempt you make. First off, i want to show you a proof that this works and it is worth your time. People are being payed every single day with this new method that i am about to teach you.

And these people are from all over the world. You can select any payment option you prefer and you can withdraw your money every single day. Now, step number one is heading over to

Don't worry, you won't have to film or post any type of videos, just go over to and search for different self-improvement videos like " how to be more attractive, how to be more healthy, how to exercise more efficiently" and every thing related to mindset.

For the better understanding of this tutorial, i will be using " how to be more attractive". Let's assume that is what i am searching on YouTube. When i search for that term, it is going to show me different videos that are getting millions of views as you can see in the image below.

It's proving that a lot of people are interested in this type of content, a lot of people are interested in this topic, millions of people as you can see. I mean, it's a common problem, a lot of people would like to be more attractive, and there is nothing bad about it.

In this article, you will be helping those people for absolutely free. And on the back end, you will be making a lot of money automatically. You won't be selling anything and you won't create any type of videos.

What i want you to do is find a couple of these videos, whatever you prefer. After deciding on the video you want to choose, click on the video and locate the share button, click on that and copy the link. Once you copy the link that takes people to that video, i want you to go over to

This website accepts people from all over the world. Having that said, i want you to comment down below and let me know from which country you are reading this article from. In that way, i can write specific contents for your region in my future articles.

Now, is a website where you can make money for every visitor that visits your url link. Whenever someone clicks on your url, you will get paid with this website.

The way this works is you have to sign up for an absolutely free account, you paste your long url and they will shorten the url for you and whenever someone press through on that shortened url, you will get paid.

The reason you are being payed is because when they press through on that url, they're first sent to a landing page, in short they will be taken to a page. They can skip on those and go to the website. So essentially is splitting the revenue with you, which is really smart.

The reason why we are using this website is because it's pretty good, i tested it out and it has a really high payout. In fact, they claim that they have the highest rate. To get started with this website, just go over to and click on sign up free button so you can create an account.

You can do so by filling out your username and email address, create a password and then agree to their terms of use and privacy policy before clicking on the "register" button. Once you create a brand new account, this is how it's going to look like.

Here in the dashboard, you will be able to track your earnings, your clicks and your total income. On the left hand of your dashboard, you will be able to withdraw your money. Once you have enough balance, you can cash out and you can spend that on whatever you want to.

As you can see in the image above, since it's a brand new account, it has obviously zero balance, but we are about to change that real soon. Locate " new shorten link" in the top right corner on the homepage.

I want you to click on that, so you can shorten url links that take people to a particular video. Having a long url can just look unattractive and untrustworthy, so shortening a url just helps make people want to click more.

You can paste that long url right in there and click on shorten. You will get this uniqie url, and whenever people click on it, you will receive income. You will get rewarded per 1000 url press through. Don't worry because i am going to share a platform with you which you can use for free to advertise these links to get millions of people every single day.

It's not any social media platform, and you will just need to do the work once if you follow all the steps in this article or tutorial,read until the end for that. But before we proceed to that platform, you will need to go over to This website is an absolutely free landing page builder.

So you can add multiple links, in that way, maximize your results. You will get to know exactly how that works. Just head over to linktre and click on the sign up free button so that you can create a fre account. To do so, enter your username and email address and just click continue.

After that, create a password and then just click on register. The image below shows how this is going to look like once you log into your brand new account. On the right hand on your dashboard, you will be able to see a landing page and your specific link.

Whenever someone clicks on the link, they are being sent to this page. On this particular page, you can host different shortened links, in that way, you can receive rewards on complete autopilot. Keep reading to know exactly how it works.

For now, you will need to click on add new url. You can title it whatever that YouTube video is about. For example, you can just copy url from the YouTube video you found and past it in Instead of pasting the direct link from YouTube, go back to, copy the shortened link earlier and paste it on

That way, whenever someone comes to this landing page, they will be able to see a url on how to be more attractive. They can click on it which will then take them to a YouTube video that they can watch.

It's a win-win situation, they will be satisfied because they are getting some value out of that video and on the back end, you're also going to be satisfied because you will being rewarded from this website.

The best part is you will get rewards for each click. The more urls you add to this landing page, the more rewards you are going to make, because you will be attracting more clicks. So, go back to YouTube and find more videos. That is what i recommend you do. Open up more of the same YouTube videos and copy their url links, just click "share" and copy.

Go back to, paste the long link over there, click shorten and then just grab that shortened link. Go back to, click on add new link and just repeat the process until you have multiple links on your landing page. Once you have all those links hosted on your landing page page, copy it's links right up the homepage.

This is your specific link and whenever someone clicks on it, they will be sent to your homepage. It is absolutely free to create this page and to host it with

After doing this, all you need is to actually drive targeted traffic to this page so you can get those clicks. And for that, i have prepared this entire article, this entire script, which I'm going to give you for absolutely free, just because you've read the this article to this end.

We will talk a little bit more about being attractive, and it's benefits and whatnot. This is a pretty good and useful article that people can read. Now, in the article, i have added the links i got from YouTube earlier on in this article. So when anyone comes across that article and start reading, he/she will find the links in the article.

They will be intrigued since that is what they are interested in. As they are reading this article, they will click on it and they will be sent to this page where they have all of these different buttons that they can click. And each time they click, you make money on complete autopilot. It's a really great strategy and it works like crazy.

But keep reading to see where you will need to share this article, where you will need to share this script. I highly recommend you add your unique link in multiple places not only just one place. Because they might miss it, but if you put it in multiple places, there is a high chance of the link being clicked and people taking further action.

Now, where exactly are we going to share this article? To answer that, let's proceed to the next platform that we will be using which is called This is where millions of people gathered to read different articles on many different topics.

And there are a lot of articles that are related to being attractive and self-improvement. As an interesting fact for you to know, if i pull up my tool called Similarweb that's going to show us that over 82 million people visited this website last month. And you can share your article on here for free.

You have a potential of reaching hundreds of millions of people with this website. Obviously, you will probably not get 100 million clicks. But this still gives you an idea of how many clicks you can get for absolutely free with this website and how much potential this has.

For example, if you type in the search bar of the word attractive, you will see that people are sharing this type for articles, people are interested in these. So just go over to, click on the sign up button and create an absolutely free account.

Once you are through with that, just click on the upload button, select files or documents to upload and you will be able to publish it on this website so people can start reading it. Bear in mind, if all of you copy this article, this same script, it will probably not work the best for everyone because people might start noticing it. 

That is why i highly recommend you try writing your own articles in different topics  that don't necessarily need to be about being attractive, but it surely can be about self improvement. You can try this out with different categories and different niches and see what gets you the most clicks. 

You just saw that this strategy is really simple and very easy. It doesn't require a lot of time and no investment needed, but it can definitely make you decent amount of passive income, even though i know some of you want to earn more, some of you want more side income.

To solve that, i will want you to join my telegram group through this link digi.tele. so that you can learn various legit ways to make money online for free. Group members are always the first to have access whenever i have a new strategy to make even more money online. And of cause you can make the most out of it.

It is absolutely free to join the telegram group and you can change your mind later.  Make sure you leave any questions you have in the comments sections below and i will surely get back to you.
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  • Woney
    Woney 20 November 2022 at 13:38

    Get Paid $19.00 For Every 3 Clicks it's kind a slides contents. So i think we Should make slides too about the link we want to share, right?

      KINGSLEY ABBEY 21 November 2022 at 01:15

      That is not a bad idea

  • MI Smart Services
    MI Smart Services 20 November 2022 at 21:00

    It is lengthy work. Can you pls share any online work with minimum effort and payment through Payoneer. Or any app.?

  • Morgen
    Morgen 20 November 2022 at 21:50

    Kingsley I have followed everything you have said step by step. When I copy and paste my link from and then i go to paste the shortened link into my linktree it doesnt display the youtube video i selected. instead the link that made takes me to some weird ads and then some google chrome extension. it does not lead to the youtube video at all. i have tried with multiple youtube links and keeps making links that send me to some ad crap that doesnt seem to lead to my youtube video. please help

      KINGSLEY ABBEY 21 November 2022 at 01:14

      Hello Morgan, if you carefully ready through this article, you will notice i made mention that if anyone clicks on your link, he/she will be shown some ads. You can choose to watch the ads or skip it. After that, the video will be shown

  • munau owakabi
    munau owakabi 22 November 2022 at 06:08

    Unfortunately most of the websites in Uganda do not open up ie site can't be reached

  • د.محمد جلال
    د.محمد جلال 12 December 2023 at 01:22

    Does it works in Egypt ?
    and what methods of payment do they have ?

    MRABLOGGER 8 March 2024 at 07:37

    dear read ur article completely but some points cant understand can u plz snd me ur video link so i understand practicaly thx

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