Easiest Faceless TikTok Niches To Make $10,000

Today, I will show you how to earn $10,000 or more by diving into the world of faceless TikTok niches. Ready to hustle? Let's get into it.

Number one: Funny history facts with a twist. Now, I know what you're thinking: history, really? But trust me, people are eating this stuff up. Here's the twist: instead of boring old facts, mix in some hilarious animal clips. Yeah, you heard it right, animals plus history. Weird, maybe, but it's precisely the quirk that blows up on TikTok.

For example, let's say you want to share a fact about ancient Egypt. What do you do? You grab a funny video of a cat knocking over a vase, then you overlay the video with something like, "This is basically how they built the pyramids." People love to laugh and learn at the same time. Some accounts in this niche are raking up millions of views monthly. There's always something new to discover.

You can use tools like ChatGPT to generate rare or unusual facts that haven't gone viral yet, then throw in some funny animal clips, and boom, you're in business. Think of the potential here; you're not limited to just one historical period or country. 

You could make a series of fun videos about facts from around the world or dive deep into specific topics like the strangest royal customs or bizarre ancient medical practices. People love surprising, weird facts; combining them with a light-hearted tone makes it super sharable.

Remember, when you focus on creating facts people haven't heard before, it keeps them watching. People love stumbling across something new, and when your content feels fresh, it stands out on TikTok's busy feed. This niche naturally attracts curious audiences, leading to higher cost per mille.

If you're struggling to find facts, there are plenty of history blogs and quirky fact websites you can use for inspiration, but make sure to add your unique twist to them, like funny commentary or weird associations that will get people laughing. Once you master this, the possibilities are endless.

Number two: Guess the celebrity. Okay, hear me out. TikTok is about keeping people hooked and engaged. Nothing does that better than games. People love testing their knowledge. That's where "Guess the celebrity" comes in, but there's a twist here too. We're not just doing any basic celebrity quiz; we're guessing celebrities based on their lips, eyes, or even their shoes.

Here's how you do it: take a few well-known celebrities, grab images that show only a part of their face or outfit, and make a quick quiz video. You can even use AI tools to generate voices that ask the questions, and trust me, once people start guessing, they'll stick around to see if they got it right.

You can also take this to the next level by incorporating multiple guessing formats. One video is about guessing celebrity fashion based on their outfits, and the next is about guessing their voices. 

This niche has so much flexibility that you'll never run out of ideas. The viral potential is enormous because viewers love participating in interactive content. One TikTok account did this with just a handful of videos, and it has already gone viral.

You don't need a ton of followers to start blowing up with this kind of content. Plus, you can switch it up: don't just guess celebrities; do guess the song, guess the meme, or even guess the movie. The possibilities are endless, and people love to win.

Don't underestimate the power of competition. Viewers will watch, guess, and often come back to comment on their answers, boosting engagement. That's the magic of TikTok: the more people interact, the more the algorithm pushes your content out to more eyes. So take advantage of this.

You could also make the quizzes harder by choosing less recognizable celebrities or creating a mashup of different parts of celebrities. That way, you make it more challenging for viewers and encourage them to rewatch, which is excellent for engagement. With each video, you're inviting your audience to participate in the fun.

Number three: AI covers with marble racing. You've probably seen those AI-generated covers of classic songs all over TikTok, but here's how you stand out: pair those AI covers with marble racing. Yeah, marble racing. It's weird, it's fun, it's addictive, and it's making people serious money.

So here's how it works: first, you find a classic song everyone knows. Something from the 2000s or 2010s is usually a good bet. Then, use AI to generate covers of the songs with famous character voices: SpongeBob, Shrek, or even PewDiePie. Once you've got the song, you create the marble race featuring those characters. 

The marble in first place is singing the music. Then edit the video so the leading marble's character voice is heard. Why does this work so well? Simple: people can't stop watching to see who's going to win. They get a kick from hearing familiar voices perform their favorite songs.

This combination is unique, entertaining, and super easy to make. Accounts using this strategy are pulling in millions of views in their first month; some are even making over $100,000 just from these videos. The thrill of the race combined with the nostalgia of familiar songs creates a perfect storm for viral content. It's also highly engaging: viewers will comment on their favorite songs, cheer on their favorite characters, and rewatch just to see the results again.

Plus, marble racing is oddly satisfying to watch, and TikTok is all about those satisfying, repetitive visuals. Once you master the basics, you can even branch out. Maybe it's not just marble racing; you could create your unique race format or add other interactive elements, such as betting on which character will win. The key here is to make something fun, unexpected, and highly sharable.

There is room to expand this niche into live streaming races where viewers can bet virtual tokens on who they think will win, adding another layer of engagement. Think of how people love to watch sports or esports; you could tap into that energy with your creative twist.

Number four: AI conversations between famous figures. Let's talk about something hilarious and totally out of the left field: AI conversations between famous figures. Imagine a heated debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump about whether pineapple belongs on pizza. 

Sounds ridiculous, right? Well, that's why it works. People love watching absurd conversations between public figures, especially when the topics are off-the-wall.

You don't even have to write the script; you can use AI tools like ChatGPT to create hilarious debate topics and generate voices using tools like Eleven Labs AI, which can clone any voice. Meaning you can have a conversation between two people; think of Elon Musk arguing with Oprah or Michael Jackson debating with Kermit the Frog. The weirder, the better.

These videos have the potential to go viral because they're unique, and guess what? Almost no one is doing this on TikTok yet. You could be the first to dominate this niche quickly and generate millions of views. 

And you don't have to stick with celebrities; you can mix in historical figures, fictional characters, or even random objects having a conversation. Want to see what happens when a teapot argues with a cheeseburger? With AI, you can make that happen.

As I told you previously, the more absurd, the better. You could also make a mini-series in which the same two characters debate different topics in each video, building up a fanbase that tunes in regularly. By adding cliffhangers or even fun, submitted questions, you create a loyal following that engages with every episode.

What makes this niche so exciting is that it's so untapped. People love novelty, and AI-generated conversations bring something fresh to the table. Plus, because AI is doing most of the heavy lifting, these videos are quick and easy to produce. With minimal effort, you could have videos blowing up on TikTok in no time.

Number five: Reddit images. You've probably seen a ton of TikTokers reading out loud from Reddit threads, right? Well, that niche is totally oversaturated now, but here's the fresh take: instead of stories, share Reddit images. Here's how it works: head to Reddit, find some of the subreddit's best and weirdest images, and create a video around them. Add snappy captions and commentary, and you have a recipe for success.

You can also use AI tools to do voiceovers or edit your videos in a style that matches the best-performing videos in this niche. This is crazy simple to do, and there are millions of images out there that haven't even been touched yet. And don't just post on TikTok; post the same videos on YouTube as shorts, pulling in hundreds of millions of views. Double the platforms, double the earnings.

You can also mix things up. Instead of just showing the images, you could create a guessing game around them: ask viewers to guess what happens next or invite them to share their reactions. The more interactive, the better.

And remember, this niche allows you to cover a wide range of topics. All you need to do is package it up to make people stop scrolling and start watching. Start creating; you can literally start making videos today using these ideas, and who knows? By the end of the month, you could be cashing in on thousands of dollars from TikTok. Sounds good, right?

Check out our previous articles here where we spill even more ways to stack up some serious cash. The team is dropping fresh content for you every day, so don't forget to hit that share button and follow our website. Together, we'll reach the top.

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