Easy Way To Start Dropshipping From Scratch

Trying to start a dropshipping store can be overwhelming. With so many different steps and strategies, it's hard to even know where to start. So in this article, I'm going to share my exact strategy for starting a new dropshipping store from scratch. In the last couple of months, I've built a new store with this strategy, and that store has already done close to $900,000 in sales. If I had to start over today, this is exactly what I would do.

If you're new here, my name is Kingsley Abbey and I'm currently documenting the entire process of growing my online business with as much transparency as possible so that I can lead by example and help you start your own online business this year. If you're interested in starting your own online store and want to follow my journey, make sure you bookmark this website. Alright, let's get started.

Firstly, I want to show you some live results that I'm getting with this exact strategy. It's around halfway through the day, and I've already generated around $3,800 in sales on this store. The profit margin is pretty good as well. I've done almost $1,500 in profit, which is almost a forty percent profit margin. If we take a look at yesterday's stats, you can see I sold around $6,700 and made around $1,800 in profit. I just wanted to prove to you that this is working right now, so you know it's worth your time to watch this whole article. 

There are four main things that go into building a successful dropshipping store: the first one is your product, the second one is your store, the third is your marketing and how you get customers, and the fourth is running your business and shipping out your orders. Now I'm going to break down each of these one by one as simply as possible.

Let's get started with products. Without a winning product, it's pretty much impossible to have success with dropshipping. Thankfully, there are a ton of products out there that you can sell. Every single week, new winning products pop up, so the opportunities are always fresh. There are really only three things that I look for when determining if a product is a winning product:

1. The product has been recently trending on Facebook and Instagram. What I mean by trending is that there is an ad that is getting a ton of views, shares, comments, and likes, and people are going crazy for the product. This is a great sign that you can make money off of this product because people are already interested in it. 
As long as you do something a little bit better than the person that's already selling it, you can swoop right in, compete with them, and make money selling that same product. This is exactly what I've done for every single one of my winning products, and it's worked time and time again.

2. Mass appeal. My favorite type of products are the ones that can be sold to the masses. I don't love the extremely narrowed-down products that only apply to a small set of people. Yes, they will buy the product, but if we ever want to scale and build something big, we need something that we can sell to almost everybody. It's okay if it's a little narrow, like it's only for women or it's only for men, but the broader, the better.

3. Good profit margins. What I consider to be good profit margins is being able to sell the product for three times the cost it takes to ship it out to the customer. So if the product costs you around $10 to send it to your customer, you want to be able to sell it for at least $30. And that's pretty much all I look for in a winning product.

Now, how do you find these products? The tried-and-true method that I’ve been using for years is simply just looking on your Facebook and Instagram feed every single day. You’re going to get targeted with ads for dropshipping products eventually, and every time you get targeted with one of these ads, you need to show Facebook that you’re interested. 

You want to go to the ad, like it, comment, go to the website, click “Add to Cart,” and show Facebook that you’re trying to buy stuff like this so they will start recommending you more products, and your feed is just going to become the best product research tool that you have.

After finding a winning product that looks like a banger then it’s time to create your own videos with the product you selected. I highly recommend as a first option that you take advantage of the free traffic that TikTok gives you.

Now the next step is to order your product so you can start creating content with it. That’s where Friend dropshipping comes in. They help you source and reduce your shipping cost as well as speed up your shipping order, I’ve work with them for over a year now and they are legit. 

So I reached out to them because I want anyone who finds this article to have a tussle free journey with dropshipping and they gave me their direct WhatsApp number. This means that you can directly speak to them for more clarification and more information on the kind of product you want, which in this case it your “winning product” you found with the method I showed you earlier. 

Here’s a link to their WhatsApp inbox: https://wa.me/message/Frienddropshipping. Make sure you contact them because I have been working with them and they have been great with their work. You might as well want to visit their official website and that’s how their website looks like in the image below.

FriendDropshipping takes the hassle out of dropshipping. With their expert team, you can focus on marketing your products while they handle the rest. From product sourcing to quality control and order fulfillment, they've got you covered. Imagine having access to a vast network of suppliers without lifting a finger.That's the power of Friend Dropshipping.

By partnering with Friend Dropshipping, you're not just saving time but also money. They find you your winnings product with competitive prices and ensure that your products meet the highest quality standards. Plus, their efficient order fulfillment process guarantees timely delivery to your customers. Ready to simplify your dropshipping journey? Give Friend Drop shipping a try and experience the difference. Contact them via WhatsApp: https://wa.me/message/Frienddropshipping

For the purpose of this tutorial I contacted Friend dropshipping and they did their work, got me a $4 on the low end to ship to a customer product, and it was selling for anywhere from $19.99. So if i made a slightly better video, a slightly better website, i could clean up off of the product and make a ton of money. Like I said, that product is an absolute banger and a perfect example of a winning product. It goes on to show you the quality works that friend drop shipping company offers

Now, how do you find these products? The tried and true method that I've been using for years is simply just looking on your Facebook and Instagram feed and this was very challenging, sometimes you pick a product that you think will be a banger but in the end makes you no money at all. But ever since I discovered the friend dropshipping app, I have saved myself all the stress of buying and shipping my winning products. All I do is get in touch with them through their WhatsApp and the rest is done. That’s shorted for now. 

Alright, so step number one is finding a product that fits this criteria. Once you've got that product, now you've got to build a store. There are a couple of different types of stores that you could build. You could build a general store, which is a store that has a bunch of random products all around it; you could build a one-product store, which is a store that only focuses on selling one main product; or you can build a hybrid store, which is what I recommend.

Building a hybrid store combines the benefits of a one-product store and a general store. With a general store, you have the freedom to test a bunch of products, and with a one-product store, you're limited, but you're going to have a higher conversion rate and people are going to trust you much more than a general store. 
With a hybrid store, you're creating the same branded feel that a one-product store would have, but with the freedom to test a bunch of products.

I recently wrote an article on exactly how I built my store, so after you read this one, feel free to check that out. The one tip I will give in this article is to model your store off of what's already working. I did not come up with some brand new design, I just put my own little twist on what was already working. 

You don't have to reinvent the wheel; you just have to take what's working and add a little bit of your own sauce to it. So I would advise taking your product, building a store, and filling it up with products that are similar to the one you're selling through the friend dropshipping app

Here's another really good example of a hybrid store. This one is called Arctic Shirt, and as you can see, they sell a bunch of home decor products as well. They have the moon lamp, this kitchen set, they have bedding, they have all types of products, but the store is really nicely branded and feels extremely trustworthy. In my opinion, this is the best approach for beginners, so give it a try.

Next up, you need to get some traffic and customers to your website. Personally, my favorite method for starting with a new store is Facebook ads, that’s if you have a couple of dollars to start with. If not then stick with TikTok . It does cost a little bit of money to run ads on Facebook, so I recommend that you have at least a couple hundred dollars before running ads. 

The major benefit of doing it this way is that you can kick start your business in a snap. Once you have a product and an ad campaign that's working, you can go from making a couple of sales a day to making thousands of dollars a day in just a matter of weeks. It's much harder to do that with free traffic, so that's why I recommend you guys learn how to run ads.

The first step when it comes to running ads is creating a video ad for your product. Personally, I recommend that you learn this skill yourself. My friend James actually wrote an article recently on how to make video ads, so I'll feature that article on this website soon. It's a good tutorial, and James does very well with his dropshipping store, so check back in five days after this article you’re reading has been published if you want to learn how to make ads. 

Once you get a video ad created for your product, it's time to launch your first ad. Here's a simple low-budget strategy that I use to launch products on Facebook. You have to make sure your video ad is on point—no spelling errors, no weird cuts, everything flows nicely, and the video is super clean. 
Once that's done, you need to create a Facebook page and an Instagram page for your store. After that, go to Facebook, create your business manager, and create your ad account so you can start running ads 

Once that's done, you want to create a new campaign with five ad sets. Ad sets are basically groups of audiences that you're showing your product to. Now, inside of those ad sets, you want to put three to five similar interests. So think of five groups of people that would be interested in your product. For the privacy fence, I came up with gardening, furniture, plants, DIY, and interior design. 

For your first ad set, you want to take the broad interest of gardening and plug that in. Then, you want to hit the suggestions tool and click on at least two more audiences that are similar to gardening. For the countries, I recommend targeting the big four countries, which are the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. I recommend that you set the budget at $10 to $20 a day—the higher the budget, the better because you're going to get data much faster.

Once you've created your ad set, now you have to create your ad. Basically, all you do is upload your video and then come up with some copy for the post. Copy is just the text that pops up on the post.  Firstly, you need to come up with some type of hook for your product. In this case, we could say, "Beautify your yard and create instant privacy in minutes." I also like to put emojis, so we could go in and paste an emoji.

The next thing I like to do is put three bullet point benefits of the product. The first benefit would be the beauty that this product is providing. For the second benefit, we could say, "Easy setup in minutes." For the last benefit, we can say that it's weatherproof to last all year. If you're struggling to come up with these benefits, just look at your competitor's product page. 

Typically, they're going to put clear benefits on there, and you can take those and mold them in your own way. Lastly, we give a call to action, so we give them a discount, let them know that we have free shipping, and send them the link to our website.

After that, you want to duplicate your ad set four times, change up the audiences, and your campaign is good to go. You're going to want to let it run for at least two days and then analyze the results to see how you did. 
At this point, one of two things is going to happen: your product is working and you're making consistent sales, or your product completely flopped and no one bought it. 

In the first scenario, congratulations! You can scale up your Facebook ads, you can order the product, make your own custom video, and start working with an agent from friend dropshipping to fulfill your products faster. If you guys want a detailed article tutorial on Facebook ads and scaling, please let me know, and I can make that for you. 

In the second scenario, if you launch the product and it flops, that's okay too. To be honest with you, as a beginner, that's going to happen. You're not going to hit a home run on your first product test; I have just never seen it done before, but with friend drop shipping the risk is reduced to 90% success rate.

What you would do then is read your stats and see where you went wrong. If people are clicking on your ad but they're not buying, your website needs a lot of work. If nobody's clicking on your ad, your ads need a lot of work, and vice versa. Once you figure out what you did wrong, you need to improve those areas that you're weak at, whether that's making your website better, making better video ads, or even picking better products. Figure out where you can improve and take it from there. 

I would suggest that after you make those improvements, try to test the product one more time, and if it fails a second time, then move on to another product. You can launch that next product on the same store and just keep repeating the process until you find a winner. Like I’ve always been preaching all through this article, once you test out your product and find out it’s going to sell, then you notify friend dropshipping .

They will be your source of inventory, help you expand your business as quickly by rendering a fast and stable shipping to your clients with a professional dropshipping service 

So that's a simple breakdown to getting customers with Facebook. There's a lot that goes into running ads, but hopefully, that's enough to get you started. 
The last step is fulfilling orders and making sure your customers are happy. Fulfilling orders is super easy. You can contact Friend dropshipping  via WhatsApp to fulfill orders . There are a ton of videos on how to do that, so we're not going to get into that today. It's very easy. 

Also, make sure to check your email every single day when you're getting orders because your customers are going to reach out, and you don't want to leave them on read. Providing a good experience to your customers is one of the most important things when dropshipping because the shipping times are kind of long. You have to be there to talk and work with your customers.

That's pretty much my exact strategy for starting a new store from scratch. This is exactly what I did, and from using this strategy, I'm making around $150K a month consistently with a lot of room to grow. Obviously, there is a lot more to running a business like this, but that's why I'm dropping new articles regularly to hopefully try to cover everything that I can. 

I've got a bunch more articles on dropshipping, so if you felt like I went through something too fast, there's probably another article on my website answering your question. I'll also try my best to answer every question down below in the comments, so feel free to chat down there.

Alright guys, that's all for this article or tutorial. Thank you so much for reading. I really hope it helped you out. If it did, let me know in the comments down below. Stay tuned for a new article next Friday, and I'll see you guys then. Have a great week.
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