Step-by-Step Guide To Boost Your Online Earnings In 2024

Honestly, this might be one of the quick methods to establish an online presence and generate income, and I wish I knew this earlier because you don't actually have to sell any products. You don't need to have your own website, and you don't need any social media followers to start. You can earn small amounts for each completion of this task. I will actually show you how to set up a system that will pretty much get everything done for you, kind of passively.

My name is Kingsley, and step number one is to go over to, this free Google app, and ask it very politely: "Dear Google Gemini, based on the best data and information that Google actually has, because this is Google's app, you want to ask it for the most popular book categories that people are interested in."

Now bear in mind again that this entire strategy will not make you a millionaire; it will not make you rich or anything, but it's a practical side activity that can be initiated quickly. Now basically just choose one of these. Let's say I'm going to go with the fantasy genre, and then you just want to tell it, "Thanks, now please provide me with the top 10 books in this genre." It's going to give us the top books. Let's say I'm going to go with this book, *The Name of the Wind*.

Step number three is to take this prompt right in the image below that I'm going to share with you in a second, and I'm going to tell you where to copy and paste it. Basically, for this step, you would head over to ChatGPT and you will tell it that it should write, for example, a 2,000-word blog post that's going to be titled "Summary of “The Name of the Wind”. 

You can take the author name directly from Google. So, I'm going to copy this and paste it into ChatGPT, and you want to use the exact keyword, which is the book title, at least once every 500 words. Based on this, it's going to start writing this entire book summary.

For the very next step, you could sign up to Wub or similar tools. This is the one that I use, but you don't have to use the same one; there are a lot of alternative ones in case you don't want to use it. Essentially, you can just get started for completely free. It allows you to generate short videos with just one press of a button.

Step number five is to go back to that ChatGPT chat and tell it to simply use that entire summary that it wrote to create a compelling and short story that we would then use. It starts off with a hook, as you can see; it's a really, really good prompt. You can copy and paste this exact same prompt that I wrote.

Step number six is to go back to Wub, click on the login button after signing up, and then just click on AI video. Then, select the comic style, scroll down to the transcript, go back to ChatGPT, and now that you have this entire script, you just want to copy and paste it. Remove these parts like "body" and "introduction," etc., and once you're done, you can just click on continue. Now, Wub will start generating this entire video.

Step number seven is to sign up to Canva and then use one of these templates to create a promo design. This is the one that I made where I basically just said that this is going to be like a free book, and then I also uploaded a cover image. Here's another example template that I've used to create basically just a promo design for completely free. Once I'm done designing, I just click share, click download, and I download this as a PNG file, which is like an image.

Step number eight is to find the WR affiliate program for these books. There's one available at Rakuten, at Kobo, and they are paying 5% up to 10% commissions on all of these different books that they have available. You can just sign up for completely free right, or you can also go to the Scribd affiliate program, which is available on Post Affiliate Pro. 
You would basically just click on the Scribd affiliate program, which is like Audible's alternative, or you can just go directly to Audible, which provides a small commission for free book downloads upon new trial sign-ups. We can give away this book for free, and when someone gets this book for free, we will be paid $5 up to $10 every single time. You just want to click on "Become an Affiliate" to sign up for free.

The next thing you can do is go to Wub Media, which is this platform where people are sharing different stories. So, you want to click on "Create a Story." You want to add a title, and the title is essentially just going to be the title that ChatGPT has generated, which is a summary of this book. So, I'm going to paste it right over here. In terms of the subtitle, I'm essentially just going to use the first sentence from the introduction. 

I'm going to paste it right over here and I'm going to start writing. When I start writing, it's essentially me copying the entire blog article that ChatGPT has generated for me. So, I'm going to copy that and I'm going to paste. You also want to make sure that you do have an image from Canva, so click on "Select File" and just upload that promo design. Basically, when someone is reading this summary, they can see that they can get this free book. 

Below, I'm just going to add a call to action, which is essentially going to say, "Click here to get this book for free on Audible," because, again, Audible provides a small commission for free book downloads upon new trial sign-ups, which gives them two books for free essentially. 
As you can see, this book is available on Audible and it's $0, so all I have to do is copy my affiliate link and then just insert my affiliate link right over here. So, click on "Link" and paste that here, and now this is clickable. I'm going to make it bold, and I'm going to copy that and paste it in between multiple lines. 

So, while someone is reading the summary, they might actually sign up for this for free. If you think about it, they're already on the fence to buy this book because they're reading the summary, and if they like the summary, they will be like, "Well, I can get it for completely free, why not?"

Besides that, you would also have to find a YouTube video that talks about the summary of this book. So, you can just go to YouTube, search for the book, search for the summary, click on the share button, copy the link to one of these YouTube videos, and just paste the link as an embed. You're going to need that. Basically, just press enter, and it's going to show up right over here. Once you're done, you can just click on "Save Changes," because you would need some content. 
You would need the subtitle image and the actual video embed, and that's going to start saving, and we can submit it for review.

In the meantime,  Wub can generate full video, which is like a story with AI-generated images and everything, and it talks about the full summary of this book that we're trying to promote. 
So, what you can essentially do is download the video from Wub with just one press of a button, and you can then simply post it on TikTok to promote your links and get even more traffic. I began a new TikTok account, and the initial Wub videos quickly garnered substantial views, despite having no prior followers.

The cool thing is that you can also now qualify for the Creator Rewards Pro program for longer videos and approved participation.

I also made a full step-by-step tutorial showing exactly how I actually run my faceless YouTube automation channels and how I use them to drive traffic to different affiliate and referral links. I'm going to talk about it on this website in the coming weeks because it goes in deep into how I actually started the channel that generated significant revenue from ads, amounting to nearly $200,000. One achieved ad revenue close to $700,000. Another one earned approximately $171,000 from advertisements. 

The last channel earned $3,000 through ads. Either way, I really hope you got some value out of this article, and if you did, drop a comment and I will see you next time.
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  • Paul James
    Paul James 24 June 2024 at 07:55

    Yes it did but I got lost at a point do you mind we talking on WhatsApp +234 902 683 7013

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