My Journey: From $15/hr to $200,000 Monthly Earnings

My first real job out of college was working as an assistant at a staffing agency. This job's starting pay was $15 per hour, which came out to about $480 per week or about $2,000 per month after taxes. This means that my take-home income was only about $24,000 per year.

However, over the past few months, I've been consistently earning over $200,000 per month in income, a significant jump from the $2,000 per month that I was earning at my real job. And I want to talk with you guys about how exactly I did this. How was I able to go from just making $15 per hour to now earning over $200,000 per month in income?

Because folks, not that long ago, I was sitting in the same exact spot as you. And then, I finally opened my eyes. So, I never told anybody this except for my immediate family, but back in 2015, after spending four years of my life in college, I actually failed to graduate. You see, I never actually applied myself in college because I've always disliked school.

And so, in 2015, I was a young kid fresh out of college, $30,000 in student loan debt, with no college degree to show for it. This means I had zero prospects out of college, and because of that, my first real job out of college was as an assistant at a staffing agency. And honestly, this job was fine. It was comfortable. I had my own office, I got free coffee, I could go into work dressed any way I wanted. It was fine. But after spending one year at this job, I quickly realized something that would go on to change my life forever.

And the thing that I realized was that every single one of us has a choice. We could either choose to just sit back and go with the flow, you know, get a decent job with benefits, go home, eat dinner, relax with some TV shows or video games, go to sleep, wake up, go to work, get a paycheck, drive home, eat, TV, sleep, over and over and over again until you die. Or, you could wake up, you could stop, turn around, and then start walking against the flow.

And realize that everything around you was conceived by somebody who was just like you. When you grow up, you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and your life is just to live your life inside the world. Try not to bash into the walls too much. That's a very limited life. Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact. And that is, everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you.

And you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use. And the minute that you understand that you can poke life and actually something will, you know, if you push in, something will pop out the other side. You can change, you can mold it. That's maybe the most important thing.

You see, folks, the only thing stopping you from achieving your goals, the one thing standing in your way, is the person that you see when you look in the mirror. Because you have the choice to choose between mediocrity or excellence. Choice, not chance, determines your destiny.

And so, I was spending 40 hours per week working this $15 per hour job, using my time to make somebody else richer. Because remember, I'm working for another company, right? And this company hired me to leverage my time to help build their wealth. And so, I was spending my years of my limited life making somebody else's dreams come true. When instead, I could be using my years of my life to make my dreams come true. And it was at this moment when I realized this truth that my eyes were completely opened.

"Kay, you're going to be the first millionaire in the family, son. Don't take that responsibility lightly. You have to choose to make that a reality." That was what my father told me when I was just six years old. And so, with those words deeply ingrained into who I am, I knew that it was time to make a choice. I could either choose to just continue working this mediocre job and solidify my destiny as just another tiny cog in a great big machine. Or, I could choose the opposite.

And so, I quickly turned in my two-week notice and left the security of this job that was paying me only $15 per hour. And so, here I am, no money in my bank account, no prospects, no college degree, no connections. Nothing. But there was one thing that I did still have, something that nobody else in this world can take away from me. And that was a choice.

At this moment, at the rock bottom, I could choose to give up. I could go back and try and find another job, maybe one that's going to pay me a little bit more than $15 per hour if I got lucky. And I could do that, and I could just choose to settle for mediocrity. Or, I could choose to stand up, and in the face of all the odds against me, I could choose to reach for excellence.

For the next few years, I put my head down and I went to work. I began starting different businesses, trying different things, taking risks, and not being afraid to fail. And step by step, each setback, each attempt, brought me closer and closer to success. And last year, I earned over $613,000 from my websites. And this year, with the help of other businesses as well as my websites, my goal is to earn $2 million in income.

And folks, every single one of you reading this article has the same exact choice. Settle for mediocrity or fight for excellence. Yo, what's up Kingsley? Just wanted to tell you I really appreciate you, bro. The way you share your story really motivates me. Let me tell you, bro, I need help. I'm truly lost on where I should start. What's the next move I should take? This is tough, man.

Now, my story sounds good, right? But what about you? Because after you get done reading this article, after you've made the choice to start pursuing your aspirations, what's the next step? Well, the next step is that you need to start building something for yourself immediately. Start a business, start some type of side hustle, right? Start doing something that's going to break you out of this monotonous routine that you're currently stuck in. Because if you just continue doing what you've always done, then your results will always be the same.

When I left my low-paying job, the first thing I did was start a business. It failed. And so, I started another business. It failed. And so, I started yet another business. And guess what? It failed again. But the difference, though, is that I never gave up. I knew that each of those failures was a lesson learned. And that eventually, all those lessons will compound into experience that would help me to accomplish my biggest goals.

Now, you're probably thinking to yourself right now, "But Kingsley, I don't know what business or side hustle to start." Folks, my entire website is dedicated to this exact thing. After you finish reading this article, go through my website and start reading my articles and tutorials. I have tools that will help you select the best side hustles or business you can start based on specific filters that you select.

But it's going to be critical for you to learn how to start being resourceful. Everything you need to find success at basically anything can be found online, completely free. For example, when I first started this website, there were plenty of free tools and resources that I used to get my website to where it is today, consistently generating income. And I fully believe that blogging is a legitimate option for a lot of people reading this article. Plus, it's a highly scalable business.

Now, some of you may be thinking, "Yeah, but Kingsley, I don't want to do blogging. What else could I do to start achieving significant financial impact?" The truth is, you're not really going to know what you want to do until you start trying stuff. The first three to four ventures I started all ended up becoming nothing. But if I never started those initial ventures, I would have never had the confidence to start the next one and then the next one, which eventually led to me being where I'm at today.

And folks, keep in mind that starting a business doesn't have to be this big ordeal that involves writing a business plan and starting an LLC. Starting a business could literally be you just sitting down one day and saying, "You know what? I'm going to start trying to sell print-on-demand motivational posters on Etsy." And then you go to Etsy, open a shop, go to Printify, open a free account, and read this article on my website where I go into detail about how to start one of these ventures.

You start it, you try it for maybe three to six months, and if you don't like it, just stop and try something else. Maybe you say to yourself, "You know what? I want to start a YouTube channel." So, you start creating videos, but then after just one month, you find out that you really don't enjoy making videos. So, you stop and try something else.

What you'll find is that you'll end up trying a variety of different things before you find the one thing that just works for you. And you may even end up revisiting previous business ideas that you've already attempted and trying them again. So, you see, folks, if you ever want to get to a point where you're achieving substantial income—then you have to start taking action. You have to start trying things.

Take you, for example, 20 seconds left to go, you're down by one, you want the ball, you want to take the last shot. Absolutely! I'm not afraid to fail. Folks, here's the truth about achieving significant income. There's not going to be a clear, definitive path that you walk down. This path that people like you and I are walking down has never been walked on before. Because what we're doing is creating our own path. And that's what makes it so risky.

When you go and work a 9-to-5 job, that path has already been created for you. You have a very specific role with a very specific set of tasks that you have to complete in order to keep your job and receive a paycheck. But here's the thing: because that path has already been created for you, the rewards that come with that path will be limited. Whereas the more challenging path, although it will require a lot more effort, will have significantly greater rewards.

And what you'll find is that when you start walking down this more challenging path, if you just don't give up, you'll eventually find the venture or the thing that works best for you. And that venture will start generating income. And then, eventually, it'll start generating transformative financial gains.

Let's say that this venture eventually generates $1 million per year after taxes. You spend 20% of that, or about $200,000, just enjoying life, finding fulfillment. But then, you take the remaining 80% of that, or about $800,000, and you start investing it into performing assets—things that are going to generate income even when you're not actively working.

And so now, not only are you generating income from your venture, but you're also generating income from your investments. And you're just growing wealthier every single day. Now, you're generating more income in one week than most people are generating in a year. And all of this started because five years ago, you decided that despite having no money, no skills, no connections, nothing, you decided to just take the leap and start something.

Folks, the reason I was able to go from making $15 per hour, or about $24,000 per year, to generating $24,000 in just a few days, about $50,000 per week—which actually sounds really crazy to say out loud—but the only reason I was able to do that was because I just simply started something. I didn't overthink it, I didn't wait for the perfect time. I just started.

Now, listen, I understand that this message is not going to be for everyone. But my assumption is that most of you reading don't want to take the traditional route. You want to be financially secure. You want to be able to live your life however you want. You want to be able to purchase whatever you want, take vacations whenever you want. You don't want your life, your time, and your money to be controlled by somebody in the HR department at your job. You want control over those things, am I right?

Well, then start taking control. That's maybe the most important thing. Shake off this erroneous notion that life is just there and you're just going to live in it. Embrace it, change it, improve it, leave your legacy upon it. Once you learn that, you'll never be the same again.
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